Closed liangqiongyue closed 1 year ago
try the new interface which is in github will make sure to fix for ref_value as well
#> Loading required package: data.table
#> Thank you for using coveffectsplot!
#> if you find it useful, please cite as:
#> JF Marier, N Teuscher and MS Mouksassi. Evaluation of covariate effects using forest plots and introduction to the coveffectsplot R package. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol. 2022;11:1283-1293. doi:10.1002/psp4.12829
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table':
#> between, first, last
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
plotdata <- get_sample_data("forestplotdatacpidata.csv")
#ref_value = 30,
ref_area = c(0.8, 1.2),
x_facet_text_size = 12,
y_facet_text_size = 12,
y_label_text_size = 10,
x_label_text_size = 10,
table_text_size = 6,
plot_table_ratio = 1.5,
ref_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
area_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
xlabel = "Fold Change Relative to RHZE",
facet_formula = "covname~paramname",
table_position = "below",
ref_value_by_panel = TRUE,
plotdata %>%
distinct(paramname) %>%
show_table_facet_strip = "both",
show_table_yaxis_tick_label = TRUE)
Created on 2023-09-12 with reprex v2.0.2
please note the new interface dont support the area around different reference line by panel happy to consider adding it if you give me a use case and reproducible code you can always edit the ggplots after building the plot and play with the layers to put your area as the first layer
please note the new interface dont support the area around different reference line by panel happy to consider adding it if you give me a use case and reproducible code you can always edit the ggplots after building the plot and play with the layers to put your area as the first layer
I have now re-installed the coveffectsplot package from github and the issue is resolved. ref_area is also displayed, I don't know why, but thank you very much!
#> Loading required package: data.table
#> Thank you for using coveffectsplot!
#> if you find it useful, please cite as:
#> JF Marier, N Teuscher and MS Mouksassi. Evaluation of covariate effects using forest plots and introduction to the coveffectsplot R package. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol. 2022;11:1283-1293. doi:10.1002/psp4.12829
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table':
#> between, first, last
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
plotdata <- get_sample_data("forestplotdatacpidata.csv")
ref_value = 30,
ref_area = c(0.8, 1.2),
x_facet_text_size = 12,
y_facet_text_size = 12,
y_label_text_size = 10,
x_label_text_size = 10,
table_text_size = 6,
plot_table_ratio = 1.5,
ref_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
area_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
xlabel = "Fold Change Relative to RHZE",
facet_formula = "covname~paramname",
table_position = "below",
# ref_value_by_panel = TRUE,
# ref_value_by_panel_data
# plotdata %>%
# distinct(paramname) %>%
# mutate(xintercept=ifelse(paramname=="Alpha",5,10))),
show_table_facet_strip = "both",
show_table_yaxis_tick_label = TRUE)
please note the new interface dont support the area around different reference line by panel happy to consider adding it if you give me a use case and reproducible code you can always edit the ggplots after building the plot and play with the layers to put your area as the first layer
Yes, the problem now is that I can't show area when I set different reference lines. If I want to show area, I can only use the same reference line.
Here is a use case and reproducible code, I would appreciate it if you could help me!
# remove.packages("coveffectsplot")
# install_github("smouksassi/coveffectsplot")
#> Loading required package: data.table
#> Thank you for using coveffectsplot!
#> if you find it useful, please cite as:
#> JF Marier, N Teuscher and MS Mouksassi. Evaluation of covariate effects using forest plots and introduction to the coveffectsplot R package. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol. 2022;11:1283-1293. doi:10.1002/psp4.12829
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table':
#> between, first, last
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
# Data set for drawing reference lines and reference intervals
refdata <- data.frame(paramname=c("AUC0-24h", "AUCINF_obs", "Cmax"),
covname = "Ref",
label = "62.5kg , 52y",
mid = c(7.90085895292192, 27.1845907958493, 0.804185),
lower = c(5.54472238420764, 18.1974874628107, 0.424805),
upper = c(11.0014805878441, 40.308750975744, 1.5816375),
LABEL = c("7.90 [5.54, 11.00]", "27.18 [18.20, 40.31]", "0.80 [0.42, 1.58]"))
plotdata <- data.frame(paramname=c("AUC0-24h", "AUC0-24h", "AUC0-24h", "AUC0-24h", "AUCINF_obs",
"AUCINF_obs", "AUCINF_obs", "AUCINF_obs", "Cmax", "Cmax", "Cmax",
covname = c("Age", "Age", "Weight", "Weight", "Age", "Age", "Weight", "Weight",
"Age", "Age", "Weight", "Weight"),
label = c("18y", "85y", "45kg", "85kg", "18y", "85y", "45kg", "85kg",
"18y", "85y", "45kg", "85kg"),
mid = c(12.1608125339694, 6.45711816381798, 10.8231769561981, 6.0219093721605,
27.9428298397278, 27.1069372987672, 34.8758452567289, 22.119474571285,
1.0226, 0.76471, 1.10465, 0.61234),
lower = c(7.6375800991664, 4.52347184819706, 7.40245900052679, 4.04237782204439,
18.7341524659682, 18.0235871159371, 22.5117000801311, 14.8853908773828,
0.5013865, 0.39174925, 0.55885725, 0.317115),
upper = c(16.8100885556605, 8.79457318281611, 15.0909800292925, 8.34838675699693,
40.8243333134091, 38.9749546431681, 51.8433385352901, 33.9041638721534,
1.85001, 1.552585, 2.2596, 1.1797225),
LABEL = c("12.16 [7.64, 16.81]", "6.46 [4.52, 8.79]", "10.82 [7.40, 15.09]",
"6.02 [4.04, 8.35]", "27.94 [18.73, 40.82]", "27.11 [18.02, 38.97]",
"34.88 [22.51, 51.84]", "22.12 [14.89, 33.90]", "1.02 [0.50, 1.85]",
"0.76 [0.39, 1.55]", "1.10 [0.56, 2.26]", "0.61 [0.32, 1.18]"))
# ref_value = 7.9,
# ref_area = c(5.54/7.9, 11/7.9),
# facet_space="free",
x_facet_text_size = 12,
y_facet_text_size = 12,
y_label_text_size = 10,
x_label_text_size = 10,
table_text_size = 6,
plot_table_ratio = 1.5,
ref_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
area_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
xlabel = "Fold Change Relative to RHZE",
facet_formula = "covname~paramname",
table_position = "below",
ref_value_by_panel = TRUE,
plotdata %>%
distinct(paramname) %>%
ifelse(paramname=="AUCINF_obs",27.18, 0.80)))),
show_table_facet_strip = "both",
show_table_yaxis_tick_label = TRUE)
yes I fixed it ! perfect let me know if you have any other feature request !
I will see if I can fix the new interface with various ref and aeas in each panel question for you do you always use multiplicative areas like ref_value refareamin to rev_Valuerefareamax ? is there a use case where we want it to be addtion ?
just pushed another fix can you try again?
#> Loading required package: data.table
#> Thank you for using coveffectsplot!
#> if you find it useful, please cite as:
#> JF Marier, N Teuscher and MS Mouksassi. Evaluation of covariate effects using forest plots and introduction to the coveffectsplot R package. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol. 2022;11:1283-1293. doi:10.1002/psp4.12829
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table':
#> between, first, last
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
refdata <- data.frame(paramname=c("AUC0-24h", "AUCINF_obs", "Cmax"),
covname = "Ref",
label = "62.5kg , 52y",
mid = c(7.90085895292192, 27.1845907958493, 0.804185),
lower = c(5.54472238420764, 18.1974874628107, 0.424805),
upper = c(11.0014805878441, 40.308750975744, 1.5816375),
LABEL = c("7.90 [5.54, 11.00]", "27.18 [18.20, 40.31]", "0.80 [0.42, 1.58]"))
plotdata <- data.frame(paramname=c("AUC0-24h", "AUC0-24h", "AUC0-24h", "AUC0-24h", "AUCINF_obs",
"AUCINF_obs", "AUCINF_obs", "AUCINF_obs", "Cmax", "Cmax", "Cmax",
covname = c("Age", "Age", "Weight", "Weight", "Age", "Age", "Weight", "Weight",
"Age", "Age", "Weight", "Weight"),
label = c("18y", "85y", "45kg", "85kg", "18y", "85y", "45kg", "85kg",
"18y", "85y", "45kg", "85kg"),
mid = c(12.1608125339694, 6.45711816381798, 10.8231769561981, 6.0219093721605,
27.9428298397278, 27.1069372987672, 34.8758452567289, 22.119474571285,
1.0226, 0.76471, 1.10465, 0.61234),
lower = c(7.6375800991664, 4.52347184819706, 7.40245900052679, 4.04237782204439,
18.7341524659682, 18.0235871159371, 22.5117000801311, 14.8853908773828,
0.5013865, 0.39174925, 0.55885725, 0.317115),
upper = c(16.8100885556605, 8.79457318281611, 15.0909800292925, 8.34838675699693,
40.8243333134091, 38.9749546431681, 51.8433385352901, 33.9041638721534,
1.85001, 1.552585, 2.2596, 1.1797225),
LABEL = c("12.16 [7.64, 16.81]", "6.46 [4.52, 8.79]", "10.82 [7.40, 15.09]",
"6.02 [4.04, 8.35]", "27.94 [18.73, 40.82]", "27.11 [18.02, 38.97]",
"34.88 [22.51, 51.84]", "22.12 [14.89, 33.90]", "1.02 [0.50, 1.85]",
"0.76 [0.39, 1.55]", "1.10 [0.56, 2.26]", "0.61 [0.32, 1.18]"))
refdata <- plotdata %>%
distinct(paramname,covname) %>%
ifelse(paramname=="AUCINF_obs",27.18, 0.80))))
x_facet_text_size = 12,
y_facet_text_size = 12,
y_label_text_size = 10,
x_label_text_size = 10,
table_text_size = 6,
plot_table_ratio = 1.5,
ref_area = c(0.5, 2),
ref_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
area_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)",
xlabel = "Fold Change Relative to RHZE",
facet_formula = "covname~paramname",
table_position = "below",
plot_title = "",combine_interval_shape_legend = TRUE,
ref_value_by_panel = TRUE,
show_ref_area = TRUE,show_ref_value = TRUE,
ref_value_by_panel_data = refdata,
show_table_facet_strip = "both",
show_table_yaxis_tick_label = TRUE)
Created on 2023-09-12 with reprex v2.0.2
I will see if I can fix the new interface with various ref and aeas in each panel question for you do you always use multiplicative areas like ref_value refareamin to rev_Valuerefareamax ? is there a use case where we want it to be addtion ?
Yes, I often use multiplicative areas like ref_value*refareamin
. But I feel that multiplication is also very convenient, addition and multiplication are actually similar, mainly depends on which one you like.I still feel respected that you have noticed this small need, thank you again.
just pushed another fix can you try again?
library(ggplot2) library(coveffectsplot) #> Loading required package: data.table #> Thank you for using coveffectsplot! #> if you find it useful, please cite as: #> JF Marier, N Teuscher and MS Mouksassi. Evaluation of covariate effects using forest plots and introduction to the coveffectsplot R package. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol. 2022;11:1283-1293. doi:10.1002/psp4.12829 library(dplyr) #> #> Attaching package: 'dplyr' #> The following objects are masked from 'package:data.table': #> #> between, first, last #> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': #> #> filter, lag #> The following objects are masked from 'package:base': #> #> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union refdata <- data.frame(paramname=c("AUC0-24h", "AUCINF_obs", "Cmax"), covname = "Ref", label = "62.5kg , 52y", mid = c(7.90085895292192, 27.1845907958493, 0.804185), lower = c(5.54472238420764, 18.1974874628107, 0.424805), upper = c(11.0014805878441, 40.308750975744, 1.5816375), LABEL = c("7.90 [5.54, 11.00]", "27.18 [18.20, 40.31]", "0.80 [0.42, 1.58]")) plotdata <- data.frame(paramname=c("AUC0-24h", "AUC0-24h", "AUC0-24h", "AUC0-24h", "AUCINF_obs", "AUCINF_obs", "AUCINF_obs", "AUCINF_obs", "Cmax", "Cmax", "Cmax", "Cmax"), covname = c("Age", "Age", "Weight", "Weight", "Age", "Age", "Weight", "Weight", "Age", "Age", "Weight", "Weight"), label = c("18y", "85y", "45kg", "85kg", "18y", "85y", "45kg", "85kg", "18y", "85y", "45kg", "85kg"), mid = c(12.1608125339694, 6.45711816381798, 10.8231769561981, 6.0219093721605, 27.9428298397278, 27.1069372987672, 34.8758452567289, 22.119474571285, 1.0226, 0.76471, 1.10465, 0.61234), lower = c(7.6375800991664, 4.52347184819706, 7.40245900052679, 4.04237782204439, 18.7341524659682, 18.0235871159371, 22.5117000801311, 14.8853908773828, 0.5013865, 0.39174925, 0.55885725, 0.317115), upper = c(16.8100885556605, 8.79457318281611, 15.0909800292925, 8.34838675699693, 40.8243333134091, 38.9749546431681, 51.8433385352901, 33.9041638721534, 1.85001, 1.552585, 2.2596, 1.1797225), LABEL = c("12.16 [7.64, 16.81]", "6.46 [4.52, 8.79]", "10.82 [7.40, 15.09]", "6.02 [4.04, 8.35]", "27.94 [18.73, 40.82]", "27.11 [18.02, 38.97]", "34.88 [22.51, 51.84]", "22.12 [14.89, 33.90]", "1.02 [0.50, 1.85]", "0.76 [0.39, 1.55]", "1.10 [0.56, 2.26]", "0.61 [0.32, 1.18]")) refdata <- plotdata %>% distinct(paramname,covname) %>% mutate(xintercept=ifelse(paramname=="AUC0-24h",7.9, ifelse(paramname=="AUCINF_obs",27.18, 0.80)))) forest_plot(plotdata, facet_scales="free", x_facet_text_size = 12, y_facet_text_size = 12, y_label_text_size = 10, x_label_text_size = 10, table_text_size = 6, plot_table_ratio = 1.5, ref_area = c(0.5, 2), ref_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)", area_legend_text = "Reference (vertical line)\n+/- 20% limits (colored area)", xlabel = "Fold Change Relative to RHZE", facet_formula = "covname~paramname", table_position = "below", plot_title = "",combine_interval_shape_legend = TRUE, ref_value_by_panel = TRUE, show_ref_area = TRUE,show_ref_value = TRUE, ref_value_by_panel_data = refdata, show_table_facet_strip = "both", show_table_yaxis_tick_label = TRUE)
Created on 2023-09-12 with reprex v2.0.2
Yes, the results I ran are exactly the same as yours, very useful modification.
For example, the median AUC is 30, the confidence interval is (24, 36), and the Y-axis covariates are displayed only at the bottom of the drawing, not at equal intervals. How do you solve this problem?