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Registering remote font file loader #21

Closed miquik closed 2 years ago

miquik commented 2 years ago

Hi, Sorry I'm here again with another problem. I follow this tutorial creating-a-custom-font-set-using-known-remote-fonts-on-the-web and everything is working except one step. I successfully created an instance of IDWriteRemoteFontFileLoader (which inherit from IDWriteFontFileLoader), now i have to register it (step 4) using IDWriteFactory.RegisterFontFileLoader which require an IDWriteFontFileLoader as param. Should work if I pass the instance IDWriteRemoteFontFileLoader but, instead, I receive an invalid cast exception.

I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or there is a bug


smourier commented 2 years ago


Do you have any code to show? Also .NET's invalid cast exception can sometime find its origin in an underlying E_NOINTERFACE COM error, which can be a threading issue (not using an object in the same thread where it was created)

miquik commented 2 years ago

Here's my minimal code that reproduce that error

  using (var coref = DWriteFunctions.DWriteCreateFactory<IDWriteFactory7>())
      hr = coref.Object.CreateHttpFontFileLoader(null, null, out IDWriteRemoteFontFileLoader newLoader);
      hr = coref.Object.RegisterFontFileLoader(newLoader);
      // do something

This gives me invalid cast exception

smourier commented 2 years ago

This is very strange. I have no idea why it fails. It seems internal to .NET. I've checked the interface guids and definition dozen times and I don't see any issue...

What you can test is something like this:

  using (var coref = DWriteFunctions.DWriteCreateFactory<IDWriteFactory7>())
      hr = coref.Object.CreateHttpFontFileLoader(null, null, out IDWriteRemoteFontFileLoader newLoader);

      var wrapper = new Wrapper(newLoader);
      hr = coref.Object.RegisterFontFileLoader(wrapper);
      // do something

class Wrapper : IDWriteFontFileLoader
    private IDWriteRemoteFontFileLoader _loader;

    public Wrapper(IDWriteRemoteFontFileLoader loader)
        _loader = loader;

    public HRESULT CreateStreamFromKey(IntPtr fontFileReferenceKey, uint fontFileReferenceKeySize, out IDWriteFontFileStream fontFileStream)
        return _loader.CreateStreamFromKey(fontFileReferenceKey, fontFileReferenceKeySize, out fontFileStream);

see if it works around the issue.

miquik commented 2 years ago

Your workaround seems to work; at least I can execute RegisterFontFileLoader without exception. I also try IDWriteInMemoryFontFileLoader interface and it also works. Maybe there is some internal error in IDWriteRemoteFontFileLoader. I ends up I have probably to implement my own custom RemoteFontLoader
