smourier / DirectN

Direct interop Code for .NET Framework, .NET Core and .NET 5+ : DXGI, WIC, DirectX 9 to 12, Direct2D, Direct Write, Direct Composition, Media Foundation, WASAPI, CodecAPI, GDI, Spatial Audio, DVD, Windows Media Player, UWP DXInterop, WinUI3, etc.
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Unable to use MFEnumDeviceSources(). #23

Closed Steph55 closed 2 years ago

Steph55 commented 2 years ago

I tried using the function MFEnumDeviceSources() - reference issue #22 - with many different methods, but it seems quite difficult in C#. How should we proceed to access the contents of the out parameter pppSourceActivate?

I even tried making my own function signature, without success:

[DllImport("mf", ExactSpelling = true)] public static extern HRESULT MFEnumDeviceSources( ref IMFAttributes pAttributes, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 2)] out IMFActivate[] pppSourceActivate, out uint pcSourceActivate);

Maybe with unsafe code?

Thanks a lot!

smourier commented 2 years ago


You never need unsafe code. And DirectN was designed with that idea in mind.

There was a bug in the MFEnumDeviceSources definition. The first parameter isn't ref. I have updated DirectN.

As for calling the method, I've also added an extension in IMFAttributesExtensions.cs that explains how to do it:

public static IEnumerable<IComObject<IMFActivate>> EnumDeviceSources(this IComObject<IMFAttributes> input) => EnumDeviceSources(input?.Object).Select(a => new ComObject<IMFActivate>(a));
public static IEnumerable<IMFActivate> EnumDeviceSources(this IMFAttributes input)
    if (input == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));

    Functions.MFEnumDeviceSources(input, out var array, out var count).ThrowOnError();
    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
        var ptr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(array, i * IntPtr.Size);
        var activate = (IMFActivate)Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown(ptr);
        yield return activate;


So you can call it like this for example (equivalent of code here:

var atts = MFFunctions.MFCreateAttributes();

foreach (var src in atts.EnumDeviceSources())
    var source = src.ActivateObject<IMFMediaSource>();
    source.Object.GetCharacteristics(out var c);