smourier / SQLNado

SQLNado (SQLite Not ADO) is a .NET lightweight bloat free wrapper and object persistence framework based on SQLite.
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Extension loading #9

Closed dunha closed 3 years ago

dunha commented 3 years ago


Any chance of support for extension loading? Would be very useful


smourier commented 3 years ago


Good idea. I've added it. This enables the two scenarios:

1) recommended (using C-interface

using (var db = new SQLiteDatabase(":memory:"))
    db.Configure(SQLiteDatabaseConfiguration.SQLITE_DBCONFIG_ENABLE_LOAD_EXTENSION, true, new object[] { 1 });

2) not recommended (using SQL

using (var db = new SQLiteDatabase(":memory:"))
    db.ExecuteNonQuery("SELECT load_extension('blah')");
dunha commented 3 years ago

Thanks, that works well. I would add that this also works and is how I would expect to use it (and neater)

using (var db = new SQLiteDatabase(":memory:"))

Thanks again and love the TableString and support for custom functions, although I couldn't work out how to use them. Perhaps you could provide a brief example of using custom functions

smourier commented 3 years ago

Yes, it works because, as documented here sqlite3_enable_load_extension activate C-interface and SQL interface, but it's not recommended for security reason because SQL interface enables load_extension method so possible SQL injections to attackers.

My first example prevents the use of load_extension SQL method. So, IMHO, you should use my first example or the second depending on what you need (SQL on or off).

As for function, you have an example in the source here (which replaces builtin function):

Here is an equivalent one:

using (var db = new SQLiteDatabase(":memory:"))
    // add comparison-sensitive IndexOf function using .NET's IndexOf
    db.SetScalarFunction("IndexOf", 3, true, c =>
            // get arguments (should be strings)
        var x = c.Values[0].StringValue;
        var y = c.Values[1].StringValue;
        if (x != null && y != null)
            var sc = (StringComparison)c.Values[2].Int32Value;
            c.SetResult(x.IndexOf(y, sc));

    Console.WriteLine(db.ExecuteScalar<int>("SELECT IndexOf('blah', 'LAH', " + (int)StringComparison.Ordinal + ")"));
    // dumps -1 (not found)

    Console.WriteLine(db.ExecuteScalar<int>("SELECT IndexOf('blah', 'LAH', " + (int)StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase + ")"));
    // dumps 1 (found at 1)
dunha commented 3 years ago

That provides a better understanding of the two methods, and thanks for the example. I should have delved deeper