smousavi05 / EQTransformer

EQTransformer, a python package for earthquake signal detection and phase picking using AI.
MIT License
296 stars 148 forks source link

Mac M1 install #135

Open crotwell opened 2 years ago

crotwell commented 2 years ago

I followed the instructions in #93, but still had errors trying to install on my M1 Mac using pip, and at least as of 2022-07-28 directly from source. There were various incompatibilities with dependency package versions.

I was finally able to get it to install and run by following the tensorflow instructions here: except using python 3.10. Then cloned the github repo and removed all the versions on the dependencies in install_requires in I was then able to successfully install from source using, and was able to run the basic tutorial from the docs without error, but of course not sure if there are other issues with upgrading dependencies to later versions.

The versions that all seemed to be compatible and let EQTransform run on my Mac M1, in case it helps, were:

pytest                    7.1.2           py310hbe9552e_0    conda-forge
numpy                     1.22.4          py310h0a343b5_0    conda-forge
keyring                   23.7.0          py310hbe9552e_0    conda-forge
pkginfo                   1.8.3              pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
scipy                     1.8.1           py310hdb41229_2    conda-forge
tensorflow-deps           2.9.0                         0    apple
tensorflow-estimator      2.9.0                    pypi_0    pypi
tensorflow-macos          2.9.2                    pypi_0    pypi
keras                     2.9.0                    pypi_0    pypi
matplotlib-base           3.5.2           py310hbeb1b0d_0    conda-forge
pandas                    1.4.3           py310ha6a5cd6_0    conda-forge
tqdm                      4.64.0             pyhd8ed1ab_0    conda-forge
h5py                      3.6.0           nompi_py310hb8bbf05_100    conda-forge
obspy                     1.3.0           py310hdaceac9_0    conda-forge
jupyter                   1.0.0           py310hbe9552e_7    conda-forge

python --version
Python 3.10.5

The commands I ran were. Not sure all this was needed, but it worked.

conda create -n eqt python=3.10
conda activate eqt
conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps
conda install obspy jupyter pandas
pip install tensorflow-macos
python3 install
smousavi05 commented 1 year ago

Thank you so much @crotwell for sharing this. I appreciate it.

xtyangpsp commented 8 months ago

It turns out to me that you have to specify the versions of some packages, particularly the tensor flow related packages. Following @crotwell 's suggestions, the following steps worked out for me:

conda create -n eqt python=3.10
conda activate eqt

Add "subdir: osx-arm64" to ~/.condarc to help conda search for M chip tensorflow

conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps
conda install obspy==1.3.0 jupyter pandas

You need to check the version of tensorflow-deps installed, by running: conda list. If the version is 2.10.0, for example, then the following tensorflow-macos needs to have the same version.

pip install tensorflow-macos==2.10.0

This will install a compatible keras package. Then you have to change the file to reflect the tensorflow-related package versions. For me, I changed them all to 2.10.0. YOU MAY NEED TO CHANGE IT TO OTHER VERSION. Note this is only applicable if you install through cloning the github repository. The following is the list of versions from the setup block of the that worked for me:

    author="S. Mostafa Mousavi",
    description="A python package for making and using attentive deep-learning models for earthquake signal detection and phase picking.",
    keywords='Seismology, Earthquakes Detection, P&S Picking, Deep Learning, Attention Mechanism',
    'numpy==1.22.4',     # appox version: numpy 1.19.x but at least 1.19.2
    #'tensorflow~=2.5.0', # tensorflow <2.7.0 needs numpy <1.20.0


Note that I commented out the matplotlib line and the tensorflow-deps line. The packages have been installed, as shown from running conda list. However, the installation kept complaining that it can't find the packages to install. I believe the line tensorflow~=2.5.0 was a leftover for other platforms. It causes errors on M chip (M2 Pro as tested here). I also changed the python requirement to >=3.10.5 because the version may not be exactly 3.10.5.

Finally, run the following line:

python3 install
smousavi05 commented 8 months ago

Thanks for sharing.

On Fri, Dec 1, 2023 at 11:18 AM Xiaotao Yang @.***> wrote:

It turns out to me that you have to specify the versions of some packages, particularly the tensor flow related packages. Following @crotwell 's suggestions, the following steps worked out for me:

conda create -n eqt python=3.10 conda activate eqt conda install -c apple tensorflow-deps conda install obspy jupyter pandas

You need to check the version of tensorflow-deps installed, by running: conda list. If the version is 2.10.0, for example, then the following tensorflow-macos needs to have the same version.

pip install tensorflow-macos==2.10.0

This will install a compatible keras package. Then you need to change the file to reflect the tensorflow-related package versions. For me I changed then all to 2.10.0. The following is the list of versions from the setup block of the that worked for me:

setup( name="EQTransformer", author="S. Mostafa Mousavi", version="0.1.61", @.***", description="A python package for making and using attentive deep-learning models for earthquake signal detection and phase picking.", long_description=long_description, long_description_content_type="text/markdown", url="", license="MIT", packages=find_packages(), keywords='Seismology, Earthquakes Detection, P&S Picking, Deep Learning, Attention Mechanism', install_requires=[ 'pytest==7.1.2', 'numpy==1.22.4', # appox version: numpy 1.19.x but at least 1.19.2 'keyring==23.7.0', 'pkginfo==1.8.3', 'scipy==1.10.0',


'tensorflow-estimator==2.10.0', 'tensorflow-macos==2.10.0',

'tensorflow~=2.5.0', # tensorflow <2.7.0 needs numpy <1.20.0



'pandas==1.4.3', 'tqdm==4.64.0', 'h5py==3.6.0', 'obspy==1.3.0', 'jupyter==1.0.0'],



Note that I commented out the matplotlib line and the tensorflow-deps line. The packages have been installed, as shown from running conda list. However, the installation kept complaining that it can't find the packages to install.

Finally, run the following line:

python3 install

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe . You are receiving this because you commented.Message ID: @.***>

WeiMouZhu commented 4 months ago

Following the instructions of @xtyangpsp, I installed the EQT successfully on my M2 Mac. It works well until the Detection and Picking part.

The error message indicates that the shape of the input tensor to the reshape function contains None values? Is there any way to solve this problem?

Here is the Error Message: `{ "name": "ValueError", "message": "in user code:

File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2440, in predict_function  *
    return step_function(self, iterator)
File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2425, in step_function  **
    outputs =, args=(data,))
File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2413, in run_step  **
    outputs = model.predict_step(data)
File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2381, in predict_step
    return self(x, training=False)
File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/utils/\", line 70, in error_handler
    raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None
File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 44, in tf__call
    ag__.if_stmt(ag__.ld(self).attention_type == ag__.ld(SeqSelfAttention).ATTENTION_TYPE_ADD, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1)
File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 22, in if_body_1
    e = ag__.converted_call(ag__.ld(self)._call_additive_emission, (ag__.ld(inputs),), None, fscope)
File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 49, in tf___call_additive_emission
    ag__.if_stmt(ag__.ld(self).use_attention_bias, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1)
File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 43, in if_body_1
    e = ag__.converted_call(ag__.ld(K).reshape, (ag__.converted_call(ag__.ld(K).dot, (ag__.ld(h), ag__.ld(self).Wa), None, fscope) + ag__.ld(self).ba, (ag__.ld(batch_size), ag__.ld(input_len), ag__.ld(input_len))), None, fscope)

ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer 'attentionD0' (type SeqSelfAttention).

in user code:

    File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/\", line 2506, in call  *
        e = self._call_additive_emission(inputs)
    File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/\", line 2555, in _call_additive_emission  *
        e = K.reshape(, self.Wa) +, (batch_size, input_len, input_len))
    File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/\", line 3611, in reshape
        return tf.reshape(x, shape)

    ValueError: Tried to convert 'shape' to a tensor and failed. Error: None values not supported.

Call arguments received by layer 'attentionD0' (type SeqSelfAttention):
  • inputs=tf.Tensor(shape=(None, None, 16), dtype=float32)
  • mask=None
  • kwargs={'training': 'False'}

", "stack": "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[4], line 2 1 from EQTransformer.core.predictor import predictor ----> 2 predictor(input_dir='downloads_mseeds_processed_hdfs',
3 input_model='../ModelsAndSampleData/EqT_original_model.h5', 4 output_dir='detections1', 5 estimate_uncertainty=False, 6 output_probabilities=False, 7 number_of_sampling=5, 8 loss_weights=[0.02, 0.40, 0.58],
9 detection_threshold=0.3,
10 P_threshold=0.3, 11 S_threshold=0.3, 12 number_of_plots=10, 13 plot_mode='time', 14 batch_size=500, 15 number_of_cpus=4, 16 keepPS=False, 17 spLimit=60) 18 # help(predictor)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/, in predictor(input_dir, input_model, output_dir, output_probabilities, detection_threshold, P_threshold, S_threshold, number_of_plots, plot_mode, estimate_uncertainty, number_of_sampling, loss_weights, loss_types, input_dimention, normalization_mode, batch_size, gpuid, gpu_limit, number_of_cpus, use_multiprocessing, keepPS, allowonlyS, spLimit) 328 pbar_test.update() 330 new_list = next(list_generator)
--> 331 prob_dic=_gen_predictor(new_list, args, model) 333 pred_set={} 334 for ID in new_list:

File ~/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/, in _gen_predictor(new_list, args, model) 585 pred_SS_std = pred_SS.std(axis=0)
586 else:
--> 587 pred_DD_mean, pred_PP_mean, pred_SS_mean = model.predict_generator(generator = prediction_generator, 588 use_multiprocessing = args['use_multiprocessing'], 589 workers = args['number_of_cpus']) 590 pred_DD_mean = pred_DD_mean.reshape(pred_DD_mean.shape[0], pred_DD_mean.shape[1]) 591 pred_PP_mean = pred_PP_mean.reshape(pred_PP_mean.shape[0], pred_PP_mean.shape[1])

File ~/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/, in Model.predict_generator(self, generator, steps, callbacks, max_queue_size, workers, use_multiprocessing, verbose) 2976 \"\"\"Generates predictions for the input samples from a data generator. 2977 2978 DEPRECATED: 2979 Model.predict now supports generators, so there is no longer any 2980 need to use this endpoint. 2981 \"\"\" 2982 warnings.warn( 2983 \"Model.predict_generator is deprecated and \" 2984 \"will be removed in a future version. \" 2985 \"Please use Model.predict, which supports generators.\", 2986 stacklevel=2, 2987 ) -> 2988 return self.predict( 2989 generator, 2990 steps=steps, 2991 max_queue_size=max_queue_size, 2992 workers=workers, 2993 use_multiprocessing=use_multiprocessing, 2994 verbose=verbose, 2995 callbacks=callbacks, 2996 )

File ~/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/utils/, in filter_traceback..error_handler(*args, **kwargs) 67 filtered_tb = _process_traceback_frames(e.traceback) 68 # To get the full stack trace, call: 69 # tf.debugging.disable_traceback_filtering() ---> 70 raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None 71 finally: 72 del filtered_tb

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tfpredict_function(iterator) 13 try: 14 doreturn = True ---> 15 retval = ag.converted_call(ag__.ld(step_function), (ag.ld(self), ag__.ld(iterator)), None, fscope) 16 except: 17 do_return = False

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tfcall(self, inputs, mask, **kwargs) 42 ag.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).attention_type == ag.ld(SeqSelfAttention).ATTENTION_TYPE_MUL, if_body, else_body, get_state, set_state, ('e',), 1) 43 e = ag.Undefined('e') ---> 44 ag__.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).attention_type == ag__.ld(SeqSelfAttention).ATTENTION_TYPE_ADD, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) 46 def get_state_2(): 47 return (e,)

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tfcall..if_body_1() 20 def if_body_1(): 21 nonlocal e ---> 22 e = ag.converted_call(ag__.ld(self)._call_additive_emission, (ag__.ld(inputs),), None, fscope)

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tf_call_additive_emission(self, inputs) 47 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).reshape, (ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).dot, (ag.ld(h), ag.ld(self).Wa), None, fscope), (ag.ld(batch_size), ag.ld(input_len), ag.ld(input_len))), None, fscope) 48 e = ag.Undefined('e') ---> 49 ag.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).use_attention_bias, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) 50 try: 51 do_return = True

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tf_call_additive_emission..if_body_1() 41 def if_body_1(): 42 nonlocal e ---> 43 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).reshape, (ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).dot, (ag.ld(h), ag.ld(self).Wa), None, fscope) + ag.ld(self).ba, (ag__.ld(batch_size), ag.ld(input_len), ag__.ld(input_len))), None, fscope)

ValueError: in user code:

File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2440, in predict_function  *
    return step_function(self, iterator)
File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2425, in step_function  **
    outputs =, args=(data,))
File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2413, in run_step  **
    outputs = model.predict_step(data)
File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2381, in predict_step
    return self(x, training=False)
File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/utils/\", line 70, in error_handler
    raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None
File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 44, in tf__call
    ag__.if_stmt(ag__.ld(self).attention_type == ag__.ld(SeqSelfAttention).ATTENTION_TYPE_ADD, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1)
File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 22, in if_body_1
    e = ag__.converted_call(ag__.ld(self)._call_additive_emission, (ag__.ld(inputs),), None, fscope)
File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 49, in tf___call_additive_emission
    ag__.if_stmt(ag__.ld(self).use_attention_bias, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1)
File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 43, in if_body_1
    e = ag__.converted_call(ag__.ld(K).reshape, (ag__.converted_call(ag__.ld(K).dot, (ag__.ld(h), ag__.ld(self).Wa), None, fscope) + ag__.ld(self).ba, (ag__.ld(batch_size), ag__.ld(input_len), ag__.ld(input_len))), None, fscope)

ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer 'attentionD0' (type SeqSelfAttention).

in user code:

    File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/\", line 2506, in call  *
        e = self._call_additive_emission(inputs)
    File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/\", line 2555, in _call_additive_emission  *
        e = K.reshape(, self.Wa) +, (batch_size, input_len, input_len))
    File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/\", line 3611, in reshape
        return tf.reshape(x, shape)

    ValueError: Tried to convert 'shape' to a tensor and failed. Error: None values not supported.

Call arguments received by layer 'attentionD0' (type SeqSelfAttention):
  • inputs=tf.Tensor(shape=(None, None, 16), dtype=float32)
  • mask=None
  • kwargs={'training': 'False'}

" }`

smousavi05 commented 4 months ago

Thus seems to be related to keras version. Have you tried installing from the git repository? If so, it may require a bit of rework on the code. The other option would be to just use the SeisBench implementation of EqT.

On Tue, Mar 19, 2024, 7:59 AM WMZ @.***> wrote:

Following the instructions of @xtyangpsp, I installed the EQT successfully on my M2 Mac. It works well until the Detection and Picking part.

The error message indicates that the shape of the input tensor to the reshape function contains None values? Is there any way to solve this problem?

Here is the Error Message: `{ "name": "ValueError", "message": "in user code:

File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2440, in predict_function * return step_function(self, iterator) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2425, in step_function outputs =, args=(data,)) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2413, in run_step outputs = model.predict_step(data) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2381, in predict_step return self(x, training=False) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/utils/\", line 70, in error_handler raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 44, in tfcall ag.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).attention_type == ag.ld(SeqSelfAttention).ATTENTION_TYPE_ADD, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 22, in if_body_1 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(self)._call_additive_emission, (ag.ld(inputs),), None, fscope) File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 49, in tf_call_additive_emission ag__.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).use_attention_bias, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 43, in if_body_1 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).reshape, (ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).dot, (ag.ld(h), ag.ld(self).Wa), None, fscope) + ag.ld(self).ba, (ag.ld(batch_size), ag__.ld(input_len), ag.ld(input_len))), None, fscope)

ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer 'attentionD0' (type SeqSelfAttention).

in user code:

File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/\", line 2506, in call  *
    e = self._call_additive_emission(inputs)
File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/\", line 2555, in _call_additive_emission  *
    e = K.reshape(, self.Wa) +, (batch_size, input_len, input_len))
File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/\", line 3611, in reshape
    return tf.reshape(x, shape)

ValueError: Tried to convert 'shape' to a tensor and failed. Error: None values not supported.

Call arguments received by layer 'attentionD0' (type SeqSelfAttention): • inputs=tf.Tensor(shape=(None, None, 16), dtype=float32) • mask=None • kwargs={'training': 'False'}

", "stack": "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[4], line 2 1 from EQTransformer.core.predictor import predictor ----> 2 predictor(input_dir='downloads_mseeds_processed_hdfs', 3 input_model='../ModelsAndSampleData/EqT_original_model.h5', 4 output_dir='detections1', 5 estimate_uncertainty=False, 6 output_probabilities=False, 7 number_of_sampling=5, 8 loss_weights=[0.02, 0.40, 0.58], 9 detection_threshold=0.3, 10 P_threshold=0.3, 11 S_threshold=0.3, 12 number_of_plots=10, 13 plot_mode='time', 14 batch_size=500, 15 number_of_cpus=4, 16 keepPS=False, 17 spLimit=60) 18 # help(predictor)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/, in predictor(input_dir, input_model, output_dir, output_probabilities, detection_threshold, P_threshold, S_threshold, number_of_plots, plot_mode, estimate_uncertainty, number_of_sampling, loss_weights, loss_types, input_dimention, normalization_mode, batch_size, gpuid, gpu_limit, number_of_cpus, use_multiprocessing, keepPS, allowonlyS, spLimit) 328 pbar_test.update() 330 new_list = next(list_generator) --> 331 prob_dic=_gen_predictor(new_list, args, model) 333 pred_set={} 334 for ID in new_list:

File ~/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/, in _gen_predictor(new_list, args, model) 585 pred_SS_std = pred_SS.std(axis=0) 586 else: --> 587 pred_DD_mean, pred_PP_mean, pred_SS_mean = model.predict_generator(generator = prediction_generator, 588 use_multiprocessing = args['use_multiprocessing'], 589 workers = args['number_of_cpus']) 590 pred_DD_mean = pred_DD_mean.reshape(pred_DD_mean.shape[0], pred_DD_mean.shape[1]) 591 pred_PP_mean = pred_PP_mean.reshape(pred_PP_mean.shape[0], pred_PP_mean.shape[1])

File ~/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/, in Model.predict_generator(self, generator, steps, callbacks, max_queue_size, workers, use_multiprocessing, verbose) 2976 """Generates predictions for the input samples from a data generator. 2977 2978 DEPRECATED: 2979 Model.predict now supports generators, so there is no longer any 2980 need to use this endpoint. 2981 """ 2982 warnings.warn( 2983 "Model.predict_generator is deprecated and " 2984 "will be removed in a future version. " 2985 "Please use Model.predict, which supports generators.", 2986 stacklevel=2, 2987 ) -> 2988 return self.predict( 2989 generator, 2990 steps=steps, 2991 max_queue_size=max_queue_size, 2992 workers=workers, 2993 use_multiprocessing=use_multiprocessing, 2994 verbose=verbose, 2995 callbacks=callbacks, 2996 )

File ~/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/utils/, in filter_traceback..error_handler(*args, *kwargs) 67 filtered_tb = _process_traceback_frames(e.traceback*) 68 # To get the full stack trace, call: 69 # tf.debugging.disable_traceback_filtering() ---> 70 raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None 71 finally: 72 del filtered_tb

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tf__predict_function(iterator) 13 try: 14 do_return = True ---> 15 retval = ag_.converted_call(ag__.ld(step_function), (ag.ld(self), ag.ld(iterator)), None, fscope) 16 except: 17 do_return = False

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/ *, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tfcall(self, inputs, mask, *kwargs) 42 ag.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).attention_type == ag.ld(SeqSelfAttention).ATTENTION_TYPE_MUL, if_body, else_body, get_state, set_state, ('e',), 1) 43 e = ag.Undefined('e') ---> 44 ag__.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).attention_type == ag__.ld(SeqSelfAttention).ATTENTION_TYPE_ADD, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) 46 def get_state_2(): 47 return (e,)

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tfcall..if_body_1() 20 def if_body_1(): 21 nonlocal e ---> 22 e = ag.converted_call(ag__.ld(self).call_additive_emission, (ag_.ld(inputs),), None, fscope)

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tf___call_additive_emission(self, inputs) 47 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).reshape, (ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).dot, (ag.ld(h), ag.ld(self).Wa), None, fscope), (ag.ld(batch_size), ag.ld(input_len), ag__.ld(input_len))), None, fscope) 48 e = ag.Undefined('e') ---> 49 ag__.if_stmt(ag__.ld(self).use_attention_bias, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) 50 try: 51 do_return = True

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tf___call_additive_emission..if_body_1() 41 def if_body_1(): 42 nonlocal e ---> 43 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).reshape, (ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).dot, (ag.ld(h), ag.ld(self).Wa), None, fscope) + ag.ld(self).ba, (ag.ld(batch_size), ag__.ld(input_len), ag.ld(input_len))), None, fscope)

ValueError: in user code:

File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2440, in predict_function * return step_function(self, iterator) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2425, in step_function outputs =, args=(data,)) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2413, in run_step outputs = model.predict_step(data) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2381, in predict_step return self(x, training=False) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/utils/\", line 70, in error_handler raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 44, in tfcall ag.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).attention_type == ag.ld(SeqSelfAttention).ATTENTION_TYPE_ADD, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 22, in if_body_1 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(self)._call_additive_emission, (ag.ld(inputs),), None, fscope) File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 49, in tf_call_additive_emission ag__.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).use_attention_bias, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 43, in if_body_1 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).reshape, (ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).dot, (ag.ld(h), ag.ld(self).Wa), None, fscope) + ag.ld(self).ba, (ag.ld(batch_size), ag__.ld(input_len), ag.ld(input_len))), None, fscope)

ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer 'attentionD0' (type SeqSelfAttention).

in user code:

File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/\", line 2506, in call  *
    e = self._call_additive_emission(inputs)
File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/\", line 2555, in _call_additive_emission  *
    e = K.reshape(, self.Wa) +, (batch_size, input_len, input_len))
File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/\", line 3611, in reshape
    return tf.reshape(x, shape)

ValueError: Tried to convert 'shape' to a tensor and failed. Error: None values not supported.

Call arguments received by layer 'attentionD0' (type SeqSelfAttention): • inputs=tf.Tensor(shape=(None, None, 16), dtype=float32) • mask=None • kwargs={'training': 'False'}

" }`

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xtyangpsp commented 4 months ago

The installation on both my computer (M2 Pro laptop) and my student’s computer (M1 desktop) work fine, including the whole workflow (with the notebook examples). However, I also find the package relies a lot on the correctness of the versions of all ML-related packages. On Mar 20, 2024 at 11:14 -0400, S.Mostafa Mousavi @.***>, wrote:

Thus seems to be related to keras version. Have you tried installing from the git repository? If so, it may require a bit of rework on the code. The other option would be to just use the SeisBench implementation of EqT.

On Tue, Mar 19, 2024, 7:59 AM WMZ @.***> wrote:

Following the instructions of @xtyangpsp, I installed the EQT successfully on my M2 Mac. It works well until the Detection and Picking part.

The error message indicates that the shape of the input tensor to the reshape function contains None values? Is there any way to solve this problem?

Here is the Error Message: `{ "name": "ValueError", "message": "in user code:

File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2440, in predict_function * return step_function(self, iterator) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2425, in step_function outputs =, args=(data,)) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2413, in run_step outputs = model.predict_step(data) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2381, in predict_step return self(x, training=False) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/utils/\", line 70, in error_handler raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 44, in tfcall ag.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).attention_type == ag.ld(SeqSelfAttention).ATTENTION_TYPE_ADD, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 22, in if_body_1 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(self)._call_additive_emission, (ag.ld(inputs),), None, fscope) File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 49, in tf_call_additive_emission ag__.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).use_attention_bias, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 43, in if_body_1 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).reshape, (ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).dot, (ag.ld(h), ag.ld(self).Wa), None, fscope) + ag.ld(self).ba, (ag.ld(batch_size), ag__.ld(input_len), ag.ld(input_len))), None, fscope)

ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer 'attentionD0' (type SeqSelfAttention).

in user code:

File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/\", line 2506, in call e = self._call_additive_emission(inputs) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/\", line 2555, in _call_additive_emission e = K.reshape(, self.Wa) +, (batch_size, input_len, input_len)) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/\", line 3611, in reshape return tf.reshape(x, shape)

ValueError: Tried to convert 'shape' to a tensor and failed. Error: None values not supported.

Call arguments received by layer 'attentionD0' (type SeqSelfAttention): • inputs=tf.Tensor(shape=(None, None, 16), dtype=float32) • mask=None • kwargs={'training': 'False'}

", "stack": "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) Cell In[4], line 2 1 from EQTransformer.core.predictor import predictor ----> 2 predictor(input_dir='downloads_mseeds_processed_hdfs', 3 input_model='../ModelsAndSampleData/EqT_original_model.h5', 4 output_dir='detections1', 5 estimate_uncertainty=False, 6 output_probabilities=False, 7 number_of_sampling=5, 8 loss_weights=[0.02, 0.40, 0.58], 9 detection_threshold=0.3, 10 P_threshold=0.3, 11 S_threshold=0.3, 12 number_of_plots=10, 13 plot_mode='time', 14 batch_size=500, 15 number_of_cpus=4, 16 keepPS=False, 17 spLimit=60) 18 # help(predictor)

File ~/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/, in predictor(input_dir, input_model, output_dir, output_probabilities, detection_threshold, P_threshold, S_threshold, number_of_plots, plot_mode, estimate_uncertainty, number_of_sampling, loss_weights, loss_types, input_dimention, normalization_mode, batch_size, gpuid, gpu_limit, number_of_cpus, use_multiprocessing, keepPS, allowonlyS, spLimit) 328 pbar_test.update() 330 new_list = next(list_generator) --> 331 prob_dic=_gen_predictor(new_list, args, model) 333 pred_set={} 334 for ID in new_list:

File ~/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/, in _gen_predictor(new_list, args, model) 585 pred_SS_std = pred_SS.std(axis=0) 586 else: --> 587 pred_DD_mean, pred_PP_mean, pred_SS_mean = model.predict_generator(generator = prediction_generator, 588 use_multiprocessing = args['use_multiprocessing'], 589 workers = args['number_of_cpus']) 590 pred_DD_mean = pred_DD_mean.reshape(pred_DD_mean.shape[0], pred_DD_mean.shape[1]) 591 pred_PP_mean = pred_PP_mean.reshape(pred_PP_mean.shape[0], pred_PP_mean.shape[1])

File ~/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/, in Model.predict_generator(self, generator, steps, callbacks, max_queue_size, workers, use_multiprocessing, verbose) 2976 """Generates predictions for the input samples from a data generator. 2977 2978 DEPRECATED: 2979 Model.predict now supports generators, so there is no longer any 2980 need to use this endpoint. 2981 """ 2982 warnings.warn( 2983 "Model.predict_generator is deprecated and " 2984 "will be removed in a future version. " 2985 "Please use Model.predict, which supports generators.", 2986 stacklevel=2, 2987 ) -> 2988 return self.predict( 2989 generator, 2990 steps=steps, 2991 max_queue_size=max_queue_size, 2992 workers=workers, 2993 use_multiprocessing=use_multiprocessing, 2994 verbose=verbose, 2995 callbacks=callbacks, 2996 )

File ~/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/utils/, in filter_traceback..error_handler(*args, *kwargs) 67 filtered_tb = _process_traceback_frames(e.traceback*) 68 # To get the full stack trace, call: 69 # tf.debugging.disable_traceback_filtering() ---> 70 raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None 71 finally: 72 del filtered_tb

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tf__predict_function(iterator) 13 try: 14 do_return = True ---> 15 retval = ag_.converted_call(ag__.ld(step_function), (ag.ld(self), ag.ld(iterator)), None, fscope) 16 except: 17 do_return = False

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/ *, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tfcall(self, inputs, mask, *kwargs) 42 ag.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).attention_type == ag.ld(SeqSelfAttention).ATTENTION_TYPE_MUL, if_body, else_body, get_state, set_state, ('e',), 1) 43 e = ag.Undefined('e') ---> 44 ag__.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).attention_type == ag__.ld(SeqSelfAttention).ATTENTION_TYPE_ADD, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) 46 def get_state_2(): 47 return (e,)

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tfcall..if_body_1() 20 def if_body_1(): 21 nonlocal e ---> 22 e = ag.converted_call(ag__.ld(self).call_additive_emission, (ag_.ld(inputs),), None, fscope)

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tf___call_additive_emission(self, inputs) 47 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).reshape, (ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).dot, (ag.ld(h), ag.ld(self).Wa), None, fscope), (ag.ld(batch_size), ag.ld(input_len), ag__.ld(input_len))), None, fscope) 48 e = ag.Undefined('e') ---> 49 ag__.if_stmt(ag__.ld(self).use_attention_bias, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) 50 try: 51 do_return = True

File /var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/, in outer_factory..inner_factory..tf___call_additive_emission..if_body_1() 41 def if_body_1(): 42 nonlocal e ---> 43 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).reshape, (ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).dot, (ag.ld(h), ag.ld(self).Wa), None, fscope) + ag.ld(self).ba, (ag.ld(batch_size), ag__.ld(input_len), ag.ld(input_len))), None, fscope)

ValueError: in user code:

File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2440, in predict_function * return step_function(self, iterator) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2425, in step_function outputs =, args=(data,)) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2413, in run_step outputs = model.predict_step(data) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/engine/\", line 2381, in predict_step return self(x, training=False) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/utils/\", line 70, in error_handler raise e.with_traceback(filtered_tb) from None File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 44, in tfcall ag.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).attention_type == ag.ld(SeqSelfAttention).ATTENTION_TYPE_ADD, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 22, in if_body_1 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(self)._call_additive_emission, (ag.ld(inputs),), None, fscope) File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 49, in tf_call_additive_emission ag__.if_stmt(ag.ld(self).use_attention_bias, if_body_1, else_body_1, get_state_1, set_state_1, ('e',), 1) File \"/var/folders/ns/5x0tq3j51hq4t26yvx2m1z5m0000gn/T/\", line 43, in if_body_1 e = ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).reshape, (ag.converted_call(ag.ld(K).dot, (ag.ld(h), ag.ld(self).Wa), None, fscope) + ag.ld(self).ba, (ag.ld(batch_size), ag__.ld(input_len), ag.ld(input_len))), None, fscope)

ValueError: Exception encountered when calling layer 'attentionD0' (type SeqSelfAttention).

in user code:

File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/\", line 2506, in call e = self._call_additive_emission(inputs) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/EQTransformer-0.1.61-py3.10.egg/EQTransformer/core/\", line 2555, in _call_additive_emission e = K.reshape(, self.Wa) +, (batch_size, input_len, input_len)) File \"/Users/wilmer/miniconda3/envs/eqt/lib/python3.10/site-packages/keras/src/\", line 3611, in reshape return tf.reshape(x, shape)

ValueError: Tried to convert 'shape' to a tensor and failed. Error: None values not supported.

Call arguments received by layer 'attentionD0' (type SeqSelfAttention): • inputs=tf.Tensor(shape=(None, None, 16), dtype=float32) • mask=None • kwargs={'training': 'False'}

" }`

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WeiMouZhu commented 4 months ago

I deleted the previous eqt environment, then used conda clear all, and reinstalled eqt following instructions of @xtyangpsp. Now it works fine.

Thanks a lot!