smpallen99 / ex_admin

ExAdmin is an auto administration package for Elixir and the Phoenix Framework
MIT License
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Incorrect inflection for param key of association ids #452

Open laurenfackler opened 5 years ago

laurenfackler commented 5 years ago

For checkbox inputs of associations with unique pluralization requirements, e.g. specialty/specialties, ExAdmin incorrectly pluralizes the <association>_ids param key: specialtys.

In, if you replace

new_key =
  String.replace_suffix(key_as_string, "_ids", "s")
  |> String.to_atom()


  |> String.replace("_ids", "")
  |> Inflex.pluralize()
  |> String.to_atom()

it fixes the issue.

As a quick workaround, you can name the collection field so it takes the current pluralization logic, a simple prefix of s, into account. For example, instead of

inputs(:specialties, as: :check_boxes, collection: Repo.all(Specialty))

which will change the params key from specialty_ids to specialtys, you can do

inputs(:specialtie, as: :check_boxes, collection: Repo.all(Specialty))

which changes the params key from specialtie_ids to specialties, which is what's needed.