smpallen99 / ex_admin

ExAdmin is an auto administration package for Elixir and the Phoenix Framework
MIT License
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Support themes #53

Closed smpallen99 closed 8 years ago

smpallen99 commented 8 years ago

Replace the activeadmin UI with a new UI skin. At that same time, allow for different add-on themes.

smpallen99 commented 8 years ago

I have a new theme partially working. I'm thinking this will be the the default them, with the option of using the old theme. Note that the theme selector at the top right of the page can be disabled by configuration. Any feedback on the new theme?

screen shot 2016-04-24 at 9 43 52 am screen shot 2016-04-24 at 9 40 16 am
OvermindDL1 commented 8 years ago

That looks very nice! Looking forward!

vinnymac commented 8 years ago

@smpallen99 I like the new look 👍

Any plans on using responsive styles akin to responsive_active_admin?

smpallen99 commented 8 years ago

@vinnymac Like this?

I think the index table needs some work...

screen shot 2016-04-26 at 12 45 33 pm screen shot 2016-04-26 at 12 46 07 pm screen shot 2016-04-26 at 12 46 29 pm screen shot 2016-04-26 at 12 46 42 pm

smpallen99 commented 8 years ago

I just pushed the new template support to themes branch. Would be great if someone could give it a try and give me some feedback. Note, this is an ecto 1.x branch.

smpallen99 commented 8 years ago

@sobolevn Could you give the new themes branch a try? Would be great to get your feedback. It should up up to day with the latest v0.7.3 branch.

sobolevn commented 8 years ago

@smpallen99 sure thing.

sobolevn commented 8 years ago

It does not work for me.

What have I done:

  1. Removed everything from _build, deps, disabled cache in browser
  2. Changed mix's deps to: {:ex_admin, git: "", branch: "themes"}, called mix deps.get
  3. Changed the config.exs:
config :ex_admin,
  theme: ExAdmin.Theme.AdminLte2,
  theme_selector: [
    {"AdminLte",  ExAdmin.Theme.AdminLte2},
    {"ActiveAdmin", ExAdmin.Theme.ActiveAdmin}

mix admin.install does not even create themes folder, however I have added it to the endpoint.ex

I can't see any changes. I am doing something wrong?

smpallen99 commented 8 years ago

@sobolevn I suspect your still picking up the old version. Try this:

mix deps.clean ex_admin
mix deps.get
mix deps.compile

Also, don't forget to add themes to your endpoint static items.

sobolevn commented 8 years ago

I have managed to get it to work by changing the mix.exs to:

{:ex_admin, github: "smpallen99/ex_admin", ref: "aba5379769f733a03a7756a72e0b7e2689e6e75d"},

And mix.lock (was not working before that):

"ex_admin": {:git, "", "aba5379769f733a03a7756a72e0b7e2689e6e75d", [ref: "aba5379769f733a03a7756a72e0b7e2689e6e75d"]},

It looks pretty nice! I can do a full browser-stack testing tomorrow.

2016-05-02 2 53 15
smpallen99 commented 8 years ago

Just updated ExAdmin Demo with the new theme.

sobolevn commented 8 years ago

It looks pretty solid across all devices I was able to test. Did not find any critical bugs. But there're definitely some issues. Here are some nice screenshots:

2016-05-02 14 27 06 2016-05-02 14 26 45 2016-05-02 14 25 56 2016-05-02 14 25 23

I will create issues for each of the found bug separately.

smpallen99 commented 8 years ago

Just published 0.7.4 to Hex with this feature. Content also in master for ecto 2.0.