smsohan / MvcMailer

A Mailer for ASP.Net MVC that forms the Email Body using MVC Views (Razor etc.) following Ruby on Rails ActionMailer style
MIT License
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NuSpec with a dependency on VS2013's Scaffolder #125

Closed smsohan closed 10 years ago

smsohan commented 10 years ago

Closes #116

Scaffolding in 2013 is changing (and has changed) and won't be supported. However, there is a vs2013 version of the T4Scaffolder and this package depends on it.

Good news - This seems to work fine under VS3013 when the IDE is run as Admin. Bad news - Because this NuGet will have a dependency on a -pre (prelease) package, then it becomes prerelease. That means there are TWO packages. MvcMailer and MvcMailer-vs2013.

That means, you would install it like this:

install-package MvcMailer-vs2013 -pre

Which in turn brings in the T4 pre dependency.

NOTE: I didn't mess with the rake file OR the publish. A NuPkg will get make when you run rake as the work happens in CSProj (looks like the rakefile was never completed to support NuGet?)

NOTE 2: I had to update NuGet.exe to latest.

TODO: You'll want to publish the new package as it's down thing (and perhaps advertise that it exists by mentioning it in the EXISTING version's NuGet package as well as in the I added that also, if that's OK.