smsohan / MvcMailer

A Mailer for ASP.Net MVC that forms the Email Body using MVC Views (Razor etc.) following Ruby on Rails ActionMailer style
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Change Values in Email Template dynamically #135

Open devbhagat2003 opened 10 years ago

devbhagat2003 commented 10 years ago

Hi there, Before sending email, I want to update the couple of template fields. like User name, Email etc.

Whatever is there in Welcome.cshtml, this is sent as an email. But let's say I have a parameter in template {userName} which is unique for every user.

How Can I update this, before sending email.

Sample Code which I am trying to achieve:-

string emailBody = string.Empty; using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(Server.MapPath("~/Views/UserMailer/Welcome.cshtml"))) { emailBody = reader.ReadToEnd(); } emailBody = emailBody.Replace("{NAME}", "Davinder Kumar"); emailBody = emailBody.Replace("{EMAILADDRESS}", email);

        mailer.Welcome(email, emailBody).SendAsync();