smsohan / MvcMailer

A Mailer for ASP.Net MVC that forms the Email Body using MVC Views (Razor etc.) following Ruby on Rails ActionMailer style
MIT License
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System.InvalidOperationException: The view at '~/Views/UserMailer/CustomEmail.cshtml' must derive from WebViewPage, or WebViewPage<TModel>. #164

Open RL75 opened 6 years ago

RL75 commented 6 years ago

Does anyone have this issue? I have the code working on my local. I have it working on Windows Server 2008 but I can't get this to work on Windows Server 2012. I am using version 1.1 with vs 2010. I also tried adding @inherits System.Web.Mvc.WebViewPage to each view and copy web.config as many site suggest and still can't get this to work.