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Domain Specific Languages for Computational Law
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we need BoolStruct of Regulative Rules #105

Open mengwong opened 2 years ago

mengwong commented 2 years ago

what if

      MUST Forever     Be a Good Boy
  AND MAY  today       Beg for food
  AND MUST for 1 week  Come when called

our underlying logic allows subcontracts to be connected via AND and OR. How do we express this at the top level?

mengwong commented 2 years ago

have made some progress toward this, we have a boolstruct of paramtext so you can say MUST (do x AND do y) but we do not have a full boolstruct of (MUST and MAY) yet.

mengwong commented 2 years ago

i suppose a boolstruct of deontic would be relatively straightforward, but we would need to think about the semantics. How would this turn into a petri net, process algebra, etc.