smunaut / ice40-playground

Various iCE40 cores / projects to play around with (mostly targeted at the icebreaker)
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Can't build the rgb_panel project #13

Closed Taki-B closed 4 years ago

Taki-B commented 4 years ago

I've set up my FPGA toolchain using Esden's smart shell script ( but can't get the project done. Yosys tries

38.47.1. Executing Verilog-2005 frontend: /home/example/sft/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/cells_map.v
Parsing Verilog input from `/home/example/sft/bin/../share/yosys/ice40/cells_map.v' to AST representation.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFF_N_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFF_P_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFFE_NN_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFFE_PN_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFFE_NP_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFFE_PP_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFF_NN0_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFF_NN1_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFF_PN0_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFF_PN1_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFF_NP0_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFF_NP1_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFF_PP0_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$_DFF_PP1_'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$__DFFE_NN0'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$__DFFE_NN1'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$__DFFE_PN0'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$__DFFE_PN1'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$__DFFE_NP0'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$__DFFE_NP1'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$__DFFE_PP0'.
Generating RTLIL representation for module `\$__DFFE_PP1'.
Successfully finished Verilog frontend.

38.47.2. Continuing TECHMAP pass.
No more expansions possible.
Removed 32 unused cells and 670 unused wires.

38.48. Executing OPT_LUT pass (optimize LUTs).

and then stops with the error

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  dict::at()
make: *** [../../build/ /home/example/ice40-playground/projects/rgb_panel/build-tmp/rgb_panel.json]

I've tried to update the toolchain but the result is the same. Unfortunately, I'm a beginner and do not understand what this error means and googling around didn't help.

Could someone who could builf the project post his toolchain version? I'm using

Yosys 0.9+2406 (git sha1 UNKNOWN, clang 7.0.1 -fPIC -Os)
iverilog v10_3

and the newest nextpnr-ice40, icepack and iceprog.

The toolchain itself seems to work at least partialy, as I can build the icebraker-workshop project or some the examples provided with BlackIce II.

Thanks in advance!

smunaut commented 4 years ago

That's yosys crashing ... it should not ever do that, so that should be reported as a yosys bug.

It builds fine for me here, so that might be due to having yosys built using clang (I use gcc). But in anycase, the bug lies with yosys.

You should run it in gdb to get a backtrace and open an issue in yosys.

Taki-B commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the hint. I'll try to build a gcc based yosys and then see if I can catch the bug and report it. Thanks for your time.

smunaut commented 4 years ago

I just tried on another machine with a fresh yosys built with the summon tools and it worked fine as well.

Yosys 0.9+2406 (git sha1 13f4015, clang 9.0.0-2 -fPIC -Os)
Taki-B commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the information. It must be then an error introduced when compiling yosys on my machine because I get the same error with the gcc version.