smurfy / fahrplan

QT Application for Public transportation
GNU General Public License v2.0
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[Symbian^3] Vasttrafik (sweden) works again now, but not resrobot (sweden)! #247

Closed mikaelelf closed 7 years ago

mikaelelf commented 7 years ago

Refers to #233. "Resrobot" stopped working a few weeks ago, but to my surprise "vasttrafik", which had stopped working do work again!! Well, this seems shaky and random... Could you check this up please? Why does "vasttrafik" (Gothenburg local public transports) work again and why does "resrobot" (countrywide public transports) not work anymore. Could something be done to safe the availability of these public transport data providers??

f03el commented 7 years ago

@mikaelelf Resrobot is working for me in Sailfish OS. Unfortunately I don't have the possibility to test in Symbian. Is it still not working for you?

mikaelelf commented 7 years ago

No, it's not working! Tell me if you want additional informatin.

f03el commented 7 years ago

@mikaelelf Do you see anything interesting when running Fahrplan from the command line? Does anything of the following work?

mikaelelf commented 7 years ago

how do I do that? From cmd in delight app? Which command to use?

f03el commented 7 years ago

I have never used Symbian, so I can't help there. Does someone else know?

f03el commented 7 years ago

Could it is the same problem as #212?

mikaelelf commented 7 years ago

I don't know. It searches for a while an then report "no results were found".

mikaelelf commented 7 years ago

Additional info: when using the same ver nr of fahrplan on Harmattan, it behaves in the same way as symbian. However updating this version to latest (2.28, not available for symbian ) works.

leppa commented 7 years ago

latest (2.28, not available for symbian )

My fault. I completely forgot to build and upload 2.0.28 to AppList. Will try to do it this week.

f03el commented 7 years ago

Aha, that's probably the explanation then. ResRobot changed their API earlier this year, and support for that was fixed in Fahrplan 2.0.28.

leppa commented 7 years ago

I just built and uploaded 2.0.28 to AppList.

@mikaelelf, can you try now?

mikaelelf commented 7 years ago

sorry, doesn't change anything :(

f03el commented 7 years ago

@mikaelelf This is a bit of a long-shot, but just to be able to rule out #212, could you go to in the Symbian web browser? You should get a 404 error, but if you get some kind of certificate error, then that could be the problem with Fahrplan.

mikaelelf commented 7 years ago

with opera mini a 404 error, with nokia browser "webbrowser cannot connect to the web site".

mikaelelf commented 7 years ago


leppa commented 7 years ago

Opera Mini uses Opera's servers to download and render the page, so it might still work there.

Can you open other websites with Nokia Browser?

If yes, then it might be missing root certificate in Symbian Certificate Store. Or it could be that ResRobot uses protocols/ciphers which are not supported by Symbian.

leppa commented 7 years ago

Can you open this page: in Nokia Browser?

It uses the same Root CA certificate as ResRobot.

mikaelelf commented 7 years ago


Looks like this in Nokia Browser.

leppa commented 7 years ago

Looks Ok. Then it might be some Symbian-ResRobot incompatibility.

I can see here that ResRobot uses SNI, which is not supported by Symbian. But you should have gotten an error that certificate doesn't correspond to the domain name, not just "cannot connect" error.

Does this page open for you too:

mikaelelf commented 7 years ago

Yes, looks about the same as the previous page. Though had to make an approval, a dialogue said: The service has sent a none reliable certficate. Accept anyway?

leppa commented 7 years ago

Ok, I undusted my old Symbian phone and checked: it's SNI issue. We're aborting SSL connection because of hostname mismatch. This can be ignored for ResRobot parser by Fahrplan and should fix the issue. I'm making a fix.

mikaelelf commented 7 years ago

Great to hear, thanks for you work 😁! Fahrplan is about my most important app. Even the wayfinder (which had a public transport part built in) in googles map app stopped working some months ago.

mikaelelf commented 7 years ago

just one question: Will this fix show up in a later update or will we see a specific symbian update on app list?

smurfy commented 7 years ago

I will have a look, we can do a symbian only update but i will have a look if there are other bugs around. I plan to do the release early next week.

f03el commented 7 years ago

@smurfy FYI I'm working on an update to the backend because they are changing their API. Will try to have it finished before next week then.

leppa commented 7 years ago

@f03el, can you open a bug for this? I just created a 2.0.29 milestone and will assign your bug to it, so we can track the next release.

f03el commented 7 years ago

@leppa Nice, see #252.

mikaelelf commented 7 years ago

Is it far to go before a symbian update ?
