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Bioghist editing #117

Open dpitti opened 6 years ago

dpitti commented 6 years ago

Bioghist uses the EAC-CPF xml encoding.

Daniel needs to create a biogHist specific schema to ensure conformance to EAC-CPF.

Can we create an "XML-aware" plugin for EUI?

deternitydx commented 6 years ago

The CodeMirror editor we're using is currently syntax-highlighting for XML. I'm not aware of a good editor that would support in-browser XML conformance to a schema.

We had discussed replacing this XML-based editor a WYSIWYG editor, which could create good HTML (limited to

tags) for use in the biogHist. However, that comes at the cost of the chronList, citation, and other biogHist-centric tags.

dpitti commented 6 years ago

Without a way to enforce compliance, then what we will end up with is anyone's guess.

I think that biogHist as prose, or biogHist as chronlist, can be mutually exclusive, that is, each with its own solution. Editor chooses one or the other.

Before going forward, we should analyze what tags and attributes have been used in existing biogHist, taking into account that multiple biogHist are embedded together, usually following the pattern:

p: one or more citation p: one or more citation But there are also chronList, though I am not sure about list and outline, two other possible high level tags.

We might want to discuss this with Ethan, as he has developed two web based XML editing tools.

ewg118 commented 6 years ago

One possible solution is to use a WYSIWYG editor for HTML, but restrict the buttons only to those components that are semantically equivalent in EAC-CPF, and then write a round trip between EAC-CPF<->HTML.