snaekobbi / pipeline-mod-braille

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Clearly separate CSS media embossed vs. print #5

Open bertfrees opened 9 years ago

bertfrees commented 9 years ago

E.g. always wrap print CSS in @media print { } , even inside style attributes.

@media print { font-style: italic }

css:inline could have an option "media" (<media-query>) to filter the stylesheets and only inline rules that match the media query.

bertfrees commented 7 years ago

A better solution I think would be to put styles for different target media in different attributes.

bertfrees commented 7 years ago

A better solution I think would be to put styles for different target media in different attributes.

E.g. <css:inline media="print" attribute-name="css:print-style"/>

This should already be supported by css:inline.

A remaining question is how to support the print style in translators, because pf:text-transform only has one "style" parameter.

Note that media "print" was disabled in commit b63f7b8 because it wasn't being used in any translators anyway.