snake-biscuits / bsp_tool

Python library for analysing .bsp files
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Open `.bsp`s inside archives with a single path, using `load_bsp` #190

Open snake-biscuits opened 1 month ago

snake-biscuits commented 1 month ago

Building on #21, I want free up my harddrives by only extracting maps when I load them Rather than add even more complex infrastructure to tests/, I'd rather just use paths into archives

e.g. D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Quake/Id1/PAK0.PAK/maps/e1m1.bsp



snake-biscuits commented 1 month ago

The Dreamcast release of Quake III is going to be a pretty essential test case

snake-biscuits commented 1 month ago

We'll also want to roll extensions.archives into the core bsp_tool And to read from archives like Vpk & RPak we'll need other libraries for decompressing Oodle & LZHAM This means bsp_tool will no longer be builtins only

However, this means we can roll lightmaps into core as well And we can use Pillow for MipTextures (I think, can we do texture palletes?)

snake-biscuits commented 1 month ago

archives should move away from the zipfile.ZipFile __init__ form .from_stream etc. would be better

since we will be opening archives inside other archives in memory

source.valve.PakFile could make a good base for this

snake-biscuits commented 1 month ago

.from_stream etc. would be better

archives.respawn.Vpk already kind of has a ._from_stream method, but it's not a @classmethod a proper @classmethod would be much nicer

snake-biscuits commented 1 month ago

Here's what our deepest load could end up looking like:

from bsp_tool.archives.padus import Cdi
cdi = Cdi.from_file("D:/Emulators/Sega/Dreamcast/quakeiii.cdi")
from bsp_tool.archives.iso import Iso
iso = Iso.from_bytes("1.0.iso"))
from bsp_tool.branches.valve.source import PakFile  # or archives.id_software.Pk3
zip_ = PakFile.from_bytes("QUAKE3/BASEQ3/MAPS/DC_MAP01/BSP.ZIP"))
from bsp_tool.id_software import IdTechBsp
from bsp_tool.branches.id_software import quake3
bsp = IdTechBsp.from_bytes(

As a one-liner:

from bsp_tool.archives.iso import Iso
from bsp_tool.archives.padus import Cdi
from bsp_tool.branches.id_software import quake3
from bsp_tool.branches.valve.source import PakFile  # or archives.id_software.Pk3
from bsp_tool.id_software import IdTechBsp

bsp = IdTechBsp.from_bytes(

Yes, a properly indented one-liner ends up being longer

bsp = IdTechBsp.from_bytes(quake3, "D:/Emulators/Sega/Dreamcast/quakeiii.cdi/1.0.iso/QUAKE3/BASEQ3/MAPS/DC_MAP01/BSP.ZIP/maps/dc_map01.bsp", PakFile.from_bytes(Iso.from_bytes(Cdi.from_file("D:/Emulators/Sega/Dreamcast/quakeiii.cdi").read("1.0.iso")).read("QUAKE3/BASEQ3/MAPS/DC_MAP01/BSP.ZIP")).read("maps/dc_map01.bsp"))
snake-biscuits commented 1 month ago

I'm currently focused on quakeiii.cdi Looking though my Dreamcast folder, I found a few other .cdi:

NOTE: Other Dreamcast games w/ .bsps exist (see #117)

All 3 contain .pak pakfiles For #21 the proof of concept that showed we could open .bsp inside archives was Quake's id1/PAK0.PAK Kinda funny that my other .cdi all contain .pak

snake-biscuits commented 1 month ago

archives.sega.GDRom maps directly to the GD-ROM Data Area files This means we can go skip indexing the .iso inside the .cdi when we want to load from a full path Making our "one-liner" much simpler

from bsp_tool.archives import sega
gdrom = sega.GDRom.from_file("D:/Emulators/Sega/Dreamcast/quakeiii.cdi")
from bsp_tool.branches.valve.source import PakFile
zip_ = PakFile.from_bytes("QUAKE3/BASEQ3/MAPS/DC_MAP01/BSP.ZIP"))

Should be nice for other images too:

IDK if any full .iso GD-ROM images are out there You could make one, in theory (maybe with ISOBuster) All the empty sectors would make it pretty wasteful though

snake-biscuits commented 1 month ago

The new GDRom interface is quite nice @classmethod initialisers, .tree(), .listdir() & other filesystem utilities It'd be nice to add things like .is_file(path: str) -> bool to all archives

Working out a new standard for archives will probably be part of #191

Also, valve.source.PakFile might work better living in archives Seeing as it already has .from_bytes, and filesystem utils could be handy additions

Just have to decide on where to keep it archives.cdrom already breaks the naming convention of developer.FileFormat The .zip format has a developer: PKWARE Inc.^zip Not exactly common knowledge, but pkware.Zip fits archives & is clearly distinct from zipfile.ZipFile

snake-biscuits commented 1 month ago

Looking though my Dreamcast folder, I found a few other .cdi:

All of the .cdi files in my collection have 1 Mode2 Track in their 2nd session In the code I was assuming the GD Area would always be there, worked out nicely Other .cdi GD-ROMs might not fit this assumption tho, so it's good to keep note of it being an assumption

Not going to seek out other .cdi GD-ROMs, I've got all we need for bsp_tool rn

snake-biscuits commented 1 month ago


>>> from bsp_tool.archives import sega
>>> gdrom = sega.GDRom.from_file("D:/Emulators/Sega/Dreamcast/quakeiii.cdi")
>>> from bsp_tool.branches.valve.source import PakFile
>>> zip_ = PakFile.from_bytes("QUAKE3/BASEQ3/MAPS/DC_MAP01/BSP.ZIP"))
>>> from bsp_tool.id_software import IdTechBsp
>>> from bsp_tool.branches.id_software import quake3
>>> bsp = IdTechBsp.from_bytes(
...     quake3,
...     "D:/Emulators/Sega/Dreamcast/quakeiii.cdi/QUAKE3/BASEQ3/MAPS/DC_MAP01/BSP.ZIP/maps/dc_map01.bsp",
<IdTechBsp 'dc_map01.bsp' id_software.quake3 (IBSP version 46)>
<BspLump(19827 Vertex) at 0x0000021809B10750>