I would like to downgrade to opset versions lower than 15 because, when deploying the model to Triton, the current Kubernetes setup only supports up to opset 15.This is the error I receive.Thanks
| silero_vad | 1 | UNAVAILABLE: Internal: onnx runtime error 1: Load model from /tmp/folderH4ekFf/1/model.onnx failed:/workspace/onnxruntime/onnxruntime/core/graph/model_load_utils.h:47 void onnxruntime::model_load_utils::ValidateOpsetForDomain(const std::unordered_map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>, int>&, const onnxruntime::logging::Logger&, bool, const string&, int) ONNX Runtime only *guarantees* support for models stamped with official released onnx opset versions. Opset 16 is |
| | | under development and support for this is limited. The operator schemas and or other functionality may change before next ONNX release and in this case ONNX Runtime will not guarantee backward compatibility. Current official support for domain ai.onnx is till opset 15. |
I would like to downgrade to opset versions lower than 15 because, when deploying the model to Triton, the current Kubernetes setup only supports up to opset 15.This is the error I receive.Thanks