snap-stanford / neural-subgraph-learning-GNN

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Matching nodes via voting #15

Open liuzhouyang opened 3 years ago

liuzhouyang commented 3 years ago

Congratulations on your idea, it looks very promising, I had a cursory look at the code, and I can not found "Matching nodes via voting" part mentioned in paper, could you please tell me where this part of the code is? Any help is appreciated.

qema commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately due to this repo being a unified reimplementation combining matching and mining, some specific techniques used in the matching paper are omitted. We hope to reincorporate these elements (voting, curriculum) from our internal codebase (or would be grateful to incorporate a pull request with these features :) ) in the near future. In the meantime we hope (and have tested that) the current matching implementation can provide accurate results on a variety of real-world datasets. Thanks!

liuzhouyang commented 3 years ago

Okay, thanks for your reply, I am looking forward to it, and good luck in your reimplementation^^