snap-stanford / relbench

RelBench: Relational Deep Learning Benchmark
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Differences between `` and `` #262

Closed quang-truong closed 1 month ago

quang-truong commented 2 months ago


I have tried to differentiate between the examples and There are few notables differences:

If I understand correctly, samples nodes, and the model learns the embeddings of nodes in the destination tables. Meanwhile, for, there are sampled positive and negative destination nodes. In this file, the model minimizes the scores, which is calculated by element-wise product of source and destination embeddings.

Please correct me if I understand it wrongly. My main questions are:

  1. Which setting is officially adopted for Link Prediction in the RelBench paper?
  2. What is the intuition behind share_same_time argument for LinkNeighborLoader? And why does it affect how negative scores are calculated? Below is a snippet from
    pos_score = torch.sum(x_src * x_pos_dst, dim=1)
    if args.share_same_time:
    # [batch_size, batch_size]
    neg_score = x_src @ x_neg_dst.t()
    # [batch_size, 1]
    pos_score = pos_score.view(-1, 1)
    # [batch_size, ]
    neg_score = torch.sum(x_src * x_neg_dst, dim=1)
  3. I could not find details about samplers for each dataset in the RelBench paper. I realized there are other arguments that are not covered in the paper, such as temporal_strategy, subgraph_type, etc.