snapcrafters / discord

A community-maintained package to easily install Discord on Linux
MIT License
71 stars 20 forks source link

Missing Hello stickers #195

Open PavanLuca opened 3 months ago

PavanLuca commented 3 months ago

What happened?

5 Hello stickers are missing. Schermata del 2024-04-10 15-00-11

What should have happened?

When I search Hello I expect that all stickers appear on the search results.

Output of snap info discord

name:      discord
summary:   Chat for Communities and Friends
publisher: Snapcrafters✪
license:   Proprietary
description: |
  Discord is the easiest way to communicate over voice, video, and text.
  Chat, hang out, and stay close with your friends and communities.

  Snaps are confined, as such Discord may be unable to perform some of the
  tasks it typically does when unconfined. This may result in the system log
  getting spammed with apparmor errors. Granting access to the system-observe
  interface when in the snap will enable the features, and thus reduce the

    snap connect discord:system-observe


  This snap is maintained by the Snapcrafters community, and is not
  necessarily endorsed or officially maintained by the upstream developers.
  - discord
snap-id:      qHVefGEBezeuCeSfTND40uoUD6GRw8BO
tracking:     latest/stable
refresh-date: oggi alle 14:24 CEST
  latest/stable:    0.0.49 2024-04-10 (184) 111MB -
  latest/candidate: 0.0.49 2024-04-10 (184) 111MB -
  latest/beta:      ↑                             
  latest/edge:      ↑                             
installed:          0.0.49            (184) 111MB -

Output of snap connections discord

Interfaccia             Spina                           Slot                            Note
audio-playback          discord:audio-playback          :audio-playback                 -
audio-record            discord:audio-record            :audio-record                   -
camera                  discord:camera                  :camera                         -
content[gnome-42-2204]  discord:gnome-42-2204           gnome-42-2204:gnome-42-2204     -
content[gtk-3-themes]   discord:gtk-3-themes            gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes  -
content[icon-themes]    discord:icon-themes             gtk-common-themes:icon-themes   -
content[sound-themes]   discord:sound-themes            gtk-common-themes:sound-themes  -
desktop                 discord:desktop                 :desktop                        -
desktop-legacy          discord:desktop-legacy          :desktop-legacy                 -
gsettings               discord:gsettings               :gsettings                      -
home                    discord:home                    :home                           -
mount-observe           discord:mount-observe           -                               -
network                 discord:network                 :network                        -
network-observe         discord:network-observe         -                               -
opengl                  discord:opengl                  :opengl                         -
process-control         discord:process-control         -                               -
removable-media         discord:removable-media         -                               -
screen-inhibit-control  discord:screen-inhibit-control  :screen-inhibit-control         -
shared-memory           discord:shmem                   :shared-memory                  -
system-observe          discord:system-observe          :system-observe                 manual
unity7                  discord:unity7                  :unity7                         -
wayland                 discord:wayland                 :wayland                        -
x11                     discord:x11                     :x11                            -

Output of snap version

snap    2.61.3+22.04
snapd   2.61.3+22.04
series  16
zorin   17
kernel  6.5.0-26-generic
lengau commented 3 months ago

I can't reproduce this: image

From my limited understanding, this is probably due to a network hiccup and the images not being cached properly. Could you quit Discord and then run the following commands:

snap save discord

rm -rf ~/snap/discord/current/.config/discord/Cache/Cache_Data/ ~/snap/discord/current/.config/discord/GPUCache/ ~/snap/discord/current/.config/discord/Code\ Cache/

and then restart Discord?

PavanLuca commented 3 months ago

I understood that happens randomly, sometimes does, some don't, and even with a different pattern. Schermata del 2024-04-13 03-35-01 Schermata del 2024-04-13 03-35-21 Schermata del 2024-04-13 03-35-41 I anyway tried your commands but still happened. Schermata del 2024-04-13 03-45-06