snapcrafters / mattermost-desktop

A community-maintained package to easily install Mattermost Desktop on Linux
MIT License
11 stars 7 forks source link

[Bug]: New DM (notified via email) but does not show up in list of DMs #58

Open hellsworth opened 2 years ago

hellsworth commented 2 years ago

What happened?

A few people have DM'd me over the last couple of years where it does not show up in the mattermost-desktop snap. The notification is there in the server header, but there is no new DM listed in my list of DMs. I can log into the web portal and the DM is listed. So for some folks, I need to use the web portal to chat with them.

Even if I start a new DM in the snap with the individual, it doesn't list it in my list of DMs but the messages are there and I can chat with that person. However, when I switch to a different channel, I have to re-open a new DM with the individual to continue the conversation.

What should have happened?

The new DM should be at the top of the DM list.

Output of snap info $snap_name

$ snap info mattermost-desktop
name:      mattermost-desktop
summary:   Open source, private cloud Slack-alternative
publisher: Snapcrafters
license:   unset
description: |
  Mattermost is secure workplace messaging from behind your firewall.

    - Discuss topics in private groups, one-to-one or team-wide
    - Easily share and view image files
    - Connect in-house systems with webhooks and Slack-compatible integrations

  To use this app, you need a URL for a Mattermost server.


  Host your own server:
  Terms of Service:
  Contribute to the project:

  This snap is maintained by the Snapcrafters community, and is not necessarily endorsed or
  officially maintained by the upstream developers.
  - mattermost-desktop
snap-id:      ed0pxJoDHrgmAWHH7baX5nryAHy1UNj0
tracking:     latest/stable
refresh-date: 36 days ago, at 12:23 MDT
  latest/stable:    5.1.1 2022-07-12 (523) 120MB -
  latest/candidate: 5.1.1 2022-08-05 (533) 120MB -
  latest/beta:      ↑                            
  latest/edge:      5.1.1 2022-08-18 (537) 120MB -
installed:          5.1.1            (523) 120MB -

Output of snap connections $snap_name

$ snap connections mattermost-desktop
Interface                 Plug                                       Slot                                         Notes
audio-playback            mattermost-desktop:audio-playback          :audio-playback                              -
audio-record              mattermost-desktop:audio-record            -                                            -
camera                    mattermost-desktop:camera                  -                                            -
content[gnome-3-38-2004]  mattermost-desktop:gnome-3-38-2004         gnome-3-38-2004:gnome-3-38-2004              -
content[gtk-3-themes]     mattermost-desktop:gtk-3-themes            gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes               -
content[gtk-3-themes]     mattermost-desktop:gtk-3-themes            gtk-theme-pocillo:gtk-3-themes               -
content[gtk-3-themes]     mattermost-desktop:gtk-3-themes            gtk-theme-traditionalhumanized:gtk-3-themes  -
content[gtk-3-themes]     mattermost-desktop:gtk-3-themes            gtk-theme-yaru-mate:gtk-3-themes             -
content[icon-themes]      mattermost-desktop:icon-themes             gtk-common-themes:icon-themes                -
content[sound-themes]     mattermost-desktop:sound-themes            gtk-common-themes:sound-themes               -
desktop                   mattermost-desktop:desktop                 :desktop                                     -
desktop-legacy            mattermost-desktop:desktop-legacy          :desktop-legacy                              -
gsettings                 mattermost-desktop:gsettings               :gsettings                                   -
home                      mattermost-desktop:home                    :home                                        -
login-session-observe     mattermost-desktop:login-session-observe   -                                            -
network                   mattermost-desktop:network                 :network                                     -
network-bind              mattermost-desktop:network-bind            :network-bind                                -
opengl                    mattermost-desktop:opengl                  :opengl                                      -
pulseaudio                mattermost-desktop:pulseaudio              :pulseaudio                                  -
removable-media           mattermost-desktop:removable-media         -                                            -
screen-inhibit-control    mattermost-desktop:screen-inhibit-control  :screen-inhibit-control                      -
shared-memory             mattermost-desktop:shmem                   :shared-memory                               -
unity7                    mattermost-desktop:unity7                  :unity7                                      -
wayland                   mattermost-desktop:wayland                 :wayland                                     -
x11                       mattermost-desktop:x11                     :x11                                         -

Output of snap version

$ snap version
snap    2.56.2+22.04ubuntu1
snapd   2.56.2+22.04ubuntu1
series  16
ubuntu  22.04
kernel  5.15.0-43-generic

Relevant log output

No response

Teminal output of app

$ snap run mattermost-desktop
12:54:55.465 › App.Config.handleConfigUpdate
12:54:55.466 › App.Config.handleConfigUpdate {
  version: 3,                        
  teams: [                                                                                                                                                                   
      name: 'canonical',
      url: '',
      order: 0,
      tabs: '[array]',
      lastActiveTab: 0
      url: '',
      name: 'RM-LUG',
      order: 1,
      tabs: '[array]',
      lastActiveTab: 0
  showTrayIcon: true,
  trayIconTheme: 'light',
  minimizeToTray: true,
  notifications: { flashWindow: 2, bounceIcon: true, bounceIconType: 'informational' },
  showUnreadBadge: true,
  useSpellChecker: true,
  enableHardwareAcceleration: true,
  autostart: true,
  hideOnStart: false,
  spellCheckerLocales: [],
  darkMode: false,
  lastActiveTeam: 0,
  downloadLocation: '/home/heather/Downloads',
  startInFullscreen: false,
  autoCheckForUpdates: true,
  logLevel: 'info',
  alwaysMinimize: true,
  helpLink: '',
  enableServerManagement: true,
  enableAutoUpdater: true,
  managedResources: [ 'trusted' ],
  useNativeWindow: false,
  registryTeams: [],
  appName: 'Mattermost'
12:54:55.469 › Log level set to: info
12:54:55.476 › Log level set to: info
12:54:55.478 › Current working directory is /home/heather/Downloads/scratch, changing into /snap/mattermost-desktop/523/opt/Mattermost
lucyllewy commented 2 years ago

I've just done a quick test with two new accounts (I didn't have any before) against the mattermost cloud and the DM came through with a notification and a badge indicating the number of missed messages in my direct messages list - I used the web to send the message and the desktop app to check the notification appeared. I'm not sure what could be impacting your receipt of DMs...

hellsworth commented 2 years ago

I know. It has happened a few times, and randomly. So I can't give you a solid reproducer. But I opened a bug in case others hit the issue as well :woman_shrugging:

hellsworth commented 1 year ago

This still happens, and not just for DMs but for group chats made with me in them.