snapcrafters / sommelier-core

Package a Windows application for Linux using a Snap with Wine.
MIT License
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Switch to ReactOS Lunar theme #11

Closed merlijn-sebrechts closed 3 years ago

merlijn-sebrechts commented 3 years ago

The current default theme (ReactOS Modern) is subtly broken:

This switches the theme to ReactOS Lunar, which is a lot more polished.


Note to reviewers

This repository contains the source for a part used by a bunch of different snaps. Examples:

You can test it by cloning the repo of one of those snaps and changing source-branch: "1.0" to source-branch: "pull/11/head" in the sommelier part. Rebuild the snap and install it locally. You can see dialog of the first screenshot by running <snap-name>.wine winecfg.

merlijn-sebrechts commented 3 years ago

Also pinging @mmtrt and @diddledan since they have some experience with this part.

merlijn-sebrechts commented 3 years ago


I agree already installed apps should have this fix too. I think this is already the case with the current code. The theme is set in init_wine which runs every time the revision of the snap changes.

So the first snap built with the new sommelier-core should automatically upgrade the theme. Is this not the case?

mmtrt commented 3 years ago

overall its good theme but has issue that it doesn't renders round selection mark also volume rocker has low hightlight color in bottom as compare to modern theme and seek bar is fixed but bottom color is low highlight

with modern theme


with lunar theme


lucyllewy commented 3 years ago

So the first snap built with the new sommelier-core should automatically upgrade the theme. Is this not the case?

Aah I see it now. I misread the flow through the script. Ignore my previous comment then 😃

merlijn-sebrechts commented 3 years ago

@mmtrt selection marks are present on my system. Though the volume slider and some contrast is problematic.


I even tried to install your foobar2000 snap from edge channel and I still see the selection marks.

I'd rather have a theme that's "perfect". My second option was to use the LunaVX theme. I was not able to find any bugs with the LunaVX theme.

It renders everything correctly, including the volume slider:


The main issue is that it's "freeware" without a real license.

I've searched for open source themes but, apart from ReactOS, I can't find many. Modern and Lunar seem to be the least broken ReactOS themes. Do you have any suggestions for an open source theme or do you think it's fine just to use LunaVX?

merlijn-sebrechts commented 3 years ago

Closing this PR since it introduces regressions

mmtrt commented 3 years ago

New wine theme soon we should use it still thats wip but still doesn't have license though.

merlijn-sebrechts commented 3 years ago

@mmtrt Good find! The source of that theme is published here using the LGPL license:

I'll create a new PR with this theme.

mmtrt commented 3 years ago

@galgalesh nice lets see how it works 🤞