snapcrafters / sommelier-core

Package a Windows application for Linux using a Snap with Wine.
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update cjk font checks and configs #13

Closed mmtrt closed 3 years ago

mmtrt commented 3 years ago

adds jp kr config files and seprates hk as per noto cjk font conf and it also hopefully fixes issue with tc sc #12

merlijn-sebrechts commented 3 years ago

This looks good at first glance but is this what the edge build of npp uses? It seems Lin's problem is still present in tthat version.

mmtrt commented 3 years ago

@galgalesh yes it does and looks like issue is fixed in last post of Lin's with having fresh wineprefix but It still has few UI elements of font rendering as squares.

mmtrt commented 3 years ago

@galgalesh good catch also files had break type set to Unix (LF) I've change it back to windows (CR LF), all should be good now.

merlijn-sebrechts commented 3 years ago

@mmtrt I squashed this into master, but now master should be merged into the 1.0 branch. Can you try to create a separate pull request from snapcrafters:master to snapcrafters:1.0? If that's possible, that would be the easiest. I could make the pull request myself, but then we need another snapcrafter to review my pull request.

mmtrt commented 3 years ago

I couldn't create PR from snapcrafters:master to snapcrafters:1.0 so I pull theses changes to my fork master then created MR from there.