Open mirandole opened 1 day ago
Tungstenite must not panic unless there is a bug in a crate. As the panic says, this error indicates a bug in a library and must not happen. I don't remember why this exact panic is there, i.e., why this error is considered a bug, as this commit has been there for more than seven years, so I'll mention @agalakhov here, he certainly knows this part better.
However, I must also say that we've never encountered this panic, and I don't remember it ever being reported. Is it reproducible?
Yes, upon reflection, I was able to reproduce it some minutes ago. It happens when my internet connection drop while executing client_tls method using tcp_stream.set_read_timeout and tcp_stream.set_write_timeout. If I disconnect my internet connection during the sleep time just before client_tls(). The panic happens because of tcp_stream timeout.
Removing tcp_stream.set_read_timeout and tcp_stream.set_write_timeout resolved my issue but client_tls timeout happens without any panic after 5min which is quite long for me but ok to manage. It would be nice to be able to set a custom timeout in client_tls() or to remove this annoying panic! to be able to benefit of the tcpstream timeout feature.
use std::{net::{TcpStream, ToSocketAddrs}, time::Duration};
use tungstenite::{client::IntoClientRequest, connect, http::{self, request, Uri}, ClientRequestBuilder};
use tungstenite::client_tls;
fn main() {
let timeout = Duration::from_secs(30);
let hostname_port = "";
let socket_addr = hostname_port.to_socket_addrs().unwrap().next().unwrap();
let wss_addr = "wss://";
match TcpStream::connect_timeout(&socket_addr, timeout) {
Ok(tcp_stream) => {
println!("tcpstream connected");
tcp_stream.set_read_timeout(Some(timeout)).expect("Can't set read timeout");
tcp_stream.set_write_timeout(Some(timeout)).expect("Can't set write timeout");
println!("10s sleep time to disconnect internet and reproduce panic");
let uri: Uri = wss_addr.parse().unwrap();
let request = ClientRequestBuilder::new(uri).into_client_request().unwrap();
println!("begin client_tls connection");
match client_tls(request, tcp_stream) {
Ok(mut answer) => {
println!("client_tls connected");
match answer.0.get_mut() {
tungstenite::stream::MaybeTlsStream::Plain(stream) => {
let _ = stream.set_nonblocking(true).unwrap();
println!("nonblocking set");
tungstenite::stream::MaybeTlsStream::NativeTls(stream) => {
let _ = stream.get_mut().set_nonblocking(true).unwrap();
println!("nonblocking set");
_ => {
Err(e) => {
println!("{}", format!("Error during handshake {}", e));
Err(e) => {
println!("{}", format!("error connecting to : {}\nconnection error: {}", &socket_addr, e));
PS: When I use rustls instead of native-tls, I got the same error message without panic.
I got an issue using tungstenite with native-tls feature. Sometimes when my project try to connect to a websocket with tungteniste using native-tls, the connection with client_tls panic with this error : "Bug: TLS handshake not blocked". It's annoying because I don't know how to catch that kind of panic in my connection retry mechanism.
So my question is why does this code needs to panic when TlsHandshakeError::WouldBlock ? It would be much pleasant if the code will return an error instead of panic. So I can retry to connect with client_tls without getting my project exit with panic.
To try to find a way to avoid my rust program to panic, I now use rustls instead of native-tls. But I think it would be better to return an error instead of panic.