snarfed / bridgy-fed

🌉 A bridge between decentralized social network protocols
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
500 stars 28 forks source link

support PeerTube #471

Open snarfed opened 1 year ago

snarfed commented 1 year ago

Fediverse YouTube!

Not sure how much we currently interop, but we did hit this error today when fetching this video post and converting it to AS1.

snarfed commented 1 year ago

Example AS2, for . A few thoughts on first glance:

   "@context" : ["..."],
   "attributedTo" : [
         "id" : "",
         "type" : "Person"
         "id" : "",
         "type" : "Group"
   "category" : {
      "identifier" : "11",
      "name" : "News & Politics"
   "cc" : [
   "comments" : "",
   "commentsEnabled" : true,
   "content" : "all you have to do is destroy the entire ecosystem and genocide everyone you encounter along the way! (sarcasm don't do this, tis bad)",
   "dislikes" : "",
   "downloadEnabled" : true,
   "duration" : "PT59S",
   "icon" : [
         "height" : 157,
         "mediaType" : "image/jpeg",
         "type" : "Image",
         "url" : "",
         "width" : 280
         "height" : 480,
         "mediaType" : "image/jpeg",
         "type" : "Image",
         "url" : "",
         "width" : 850
   "id" : "",
   "isLiveBroadcast" : false,
   "language" : {
      "identifier" : "en",
      "name" : "English"
   "latencyMode" : null,
   "licence" : {
      "identifier" : "2",
      "name" : "CC BY-SA 4.0"
   "likes" : "",
   "liveSaveReplay" : null,
   "mediaType" : "text/markdown",
   "name" : "How to conquer a continent",
   "originallyPublishedAt" : null,
   "permanentLive" : null,
   "published" : "2023-03-25T00:53:20.675Z",
   "sensitive" : false,
   "shares" : "",
   "state" : 1,
   "subtitleLanguage" : [],
   "support" : "",
   "tag" : [
         "name" : "shorts",
         "type" : "Hashtag"
         "name" : "tiktok",
         "type" : "Hashtag"
   "to" : [
   "type" : "Video",
   "updated" : "2023-03-31T12:01:20.291Z",
   "url" : [
         "href" : "",
         "mediaType" : "text/html",
         "type" : "Link"
         "href" : "",
         "mediaType" : "application/x-mpegURL",
         "tag" : [
               "name" : "b02fcf5af6e2a6b908548ffeb64954dfe97d9792",
               "type" : "Infohash"
               "name" : "51a48b8ccc6b75fec4ab465270f0d51756cc94a3",
               "type" : "Infohash"
               "href" : "",
               "mediaType" : "application/json",
               "name" : "sha256",
               "type" : "Link"
               "fps" : 30,
               "height" : 720,
               "href" : "",
               "mediaType" : "video/mp4",
               "size" : 14682664,
               "type" : "Link"
               "fps" : 30,
               "height" : 720,
               "href" : "",
               "mediaType" : "application/json",
               "rel" : [
               "type" : "Link"
               "height" : 720,
               "href" : "",
               "mediaType" : "application/x-bittorrent",
               "type" : "Link"
               "height" : 720,
               "href" : "magnet:?",
               "mediaType" : "application/x-bittorrent;x-scheme-handler/magnet",
               "type" : "Link"
               "fps" : 30,
               "height" : 360,
               "href" : "",
               "mediaType" : "video/mp4",
               "size" : 4655643,
               "type" : "Link"
               "fps" : 30,
               "height" : 360,
               "href" : "",
               "mediaType" : "application/json",
               "rel" : [
               "type" : "Link"
               "height" : 360,
               "href" : "",
               "mediaType" : "application/x-bittorrent",
               "type" : "Link"
               "height" : 360,
               "href" : "magnet:?",
               "mediaType" : "application/x-bittorrent;x-scheme-handler/magnet",
               "type" : "Link"
         "type" : "Link"
         "href" : "",
         "name" : "tracker-http",
         "rel" : [
         "type" : "Link"
         "href" : "wss://",
         "name" : "tracker-websocket",
         "rel" : [
         "type" : "Link"
   "uuid" : "1484abab-d649-45d0-8c50-d761382ac4e7",
   "views" : 9,
   "waitTranscoding" : true
snarfed commented 2 months ago

Tried a Like of a video just now, PeerTube choked on our HTTP Signature with 403 ActivityPub signature could not be checked. Full log:

Running send task 7814178890099621783
Params: [('obj', 'ahBicmlkZ3ktZmVkZXJhdGVkcnMLEgZPYmplY3QiZ2h0dHBzOi8vc25hcmZlZC5vcmcvMjAyNC0wNC0zMF9idWlsZGluZy1icmlkZ2VzLXRvLXRoZS1mZWRpdmVyc2Utd2l0aC1yeWFuLWJhcnJldHQtZmxpcGJvYXJkLXBlZXJ0dWJlLTIM'), ('orig_obj', 'ahBicmlkZ3ktZmVkZXJhdGVkckoLEgZPYmplY3QiPmh0dHBzOi8vZmxpcGJvYXJkLnZpZGVvL3cvMGUwMTgwYjMtODFlNy00N2I5LTk4NTMtYTA2YWU0NDg0ZDI3DA'), ('protocol', 'activitypub'), ('url', ''), ('user', 'ahBicmlkZ3ktZmVkZXJhdGVkchkLEghNYWdpY0tleSILc25hcmZlZC5vcmcM')]
Sending AS1: {
  "objectType": "activity",
  "verb": "like",
  "published": "2024-04-30T21:08:49-07:00",
  "content": "Likes <a class=\"u-like-of\" href=\"\"></a>.\n<div class=\"e-content\">\nBuilding Bridges to the Fediverse, with Ryan Barrett – Flipboard PeerTube\n</div>",
  "url": "",
  "object": "",
  "actor": {
    "objectType": "person",
    "displayName": "Ryan Barrett",
    "url": "",
    "image": [
        "url": ""
    "id": ""
  "id": ""
ActivityStreams 1 only supports single author; dropping extra attributedTo values: [{'type': 'Group', 'id': ''}]
Determining protocol for id
  Key('Object', '') owned by source_protocol web
Sending AS2 object: {
  "published": "2024-04-30T21:08:49-07:00",
  "content": "Likes <a class=\"u-like-of\" href=\"\"></a>.\n<div class=\"e-content\">\nBuilding Bridges to the Fediverse, with Ryan Barrett – Flipboard PeerTube\n</div>",
  "url": "",
  "actor": "",
  "id": "",
  "@context": "",
  "type": "Like",
  "object": "",
  "cc": [
  "to": [
  "contentMap": {
    "en": "Likes <a class=\"u-like-of\" href=\"\"></a>.\n<div class=\"e-content\">\nBuilding Bridges to the Fediverse, with Ryan Barrett – Flipboard PeerTube\n</div>"
Signing with Key('MagicKey', '')'s key {'data': b'...', 'auth': <httpsig.requests_auth.HTTPSignatureAuth object at 0x3e42a68b64d0>, 'headers': {'Date': '...', 'Host': '...', 'Content-Type': '...', 'Digest': '...'}, 'gateway': True}
Received 403: {
  "type": "about:blank",
  "title": "Forbidden",
  "detail": "ActivityPub signature could not be checked",
  "status": 403,
  "error": "ActivityPub signature could not be checked"
snarfed commented 1 week ago

Progress here! We're now successfully federating replies and likes out to Peertube. Example: