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Port browser extension to manifest v3 #1090

Open snarfed opened 2 years ago

snarfed commented 2 years ago

The Chrome Web Store is transitioning from manifest v2, which the Bridgy browser extension is currently on, to manifest v3. Their timeline says they'll stop accepting new extensions with v2 in Jan 2022, and Chrome itself will stop running v2 extensions in Jan 2023. Guess we'll have to migrate.

...except Firefox evidently doesn't support v3 yet?! Um, ...?

snarfed commented 2 years ago

Evidently manifest v3 has been a bunch of drama between the different browser vendors. TLDR: Chrome and Edge are diverging significantly from Firefox in MV3 so far in their supported APIs, and the situation is still in flux, but Chrome is turning off MV2 support in Jan 2023.

Sadly, two of the biggest sources of controversy, WebRequest and background pages, are key APIs that our browser extension depends on. Chrome is replacing them with declarativeNetRequest and Service Workers (migration guide), respectively. Firefox's declarativeNetRequest support is evidently currently in "Developer Preview," and they say they'll ship Service Worker support, but haven't yet.

Here's Firefox's MV3 migration guide.

snarfed commented 2 years ago

cc @tantek. Standards drama! 😢🍿:hugstandards: (or whatever the hugops equivalent is)

snarfed commented 2 years ago

Oops, attached the wrong commit ^, that one's unrelated.

snarfed commented 1 year ago

snarfed commented 1 year ago

snarfed commented 1 year ago

snarfed commented 1 year ago

Asked about declarativeNetRequest support in Firefox.

snarfed commented 1 year ago

d85f7ac313a834eaf1259447068e0e340013b32b, 755bf410757d7a2aa2adeee595d8d6f919acd285

snarfed commented 1 year ago

Status: Chrome is now migrated to manifest v3, Firefox is still on v2. Same codebase, different manifest files.