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Option for forcing strict original post discovery #241

Open voxpelli opened 9 years ago

voxpelli commented 9 years ago

As a follow up to #154 I talked with @snarfed on IRC about the possibility of forcing the strict discovery of original posts that are mentioned in there.

This would enable those who only POSSE some of their tweets (like blog posts, images, links but not all their microblog content) to have their tweets without any rel-syndication URL:s be treated as having no original posts, while still having the tweets that have rel-syndication links to be treated as full-fledged POSSE content.

In practice this would mean that only links to pages with a rel-syndication back to the tweet will have u-in-reply-to, u-like-of etc added to them – the rest will have u-mention instead.

snarfed commented 9 years ago

thanks for filing this!

snarfed commented 8 years ago

related to #51. finishing that will get close to this, but not all the way.

snarfed commented 6 years ago

fwiw, we actually implemented this for github in 675718ca1ff015e1aaf315a0a6cfd26dc4eae426. discussion in the motivation was that github issues and comments often include links to examples, docs, etc that aren't either the original post or mentions per se, so they shouldn't be webmentioned.

so the remaining work to do here would be to add a per user setting.

snarfed commented 4 years ago

cc @aaronpk, who'd like this, and @sebsel and @RosemaryOrchard, who are interested more generally.