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backfeed person tags (especially on photos) to the original posts #488

Open tantek opened 8 years ago

tantek commented 8 years ago

On typical photo silos that you can POSSE to (Facebook, Flickr), in addition to liking & commenting your friends can tag people they know in those posts.

On Instagram, you can add person-tags to your photos after the fact as well as during posting.

Bridgy should backfeed these silo person-tagging interactions just as it backfeeds comments for reasons that are helpful to the publisher particularly for photos:

Originally requested:

Bridgy can do this by creating synthetic tag-reply posts (similar to reply posts), with "tag-of" markup and person-tag "u-category h-card" markup as documented here:

And then send a webmention back to the original post like the existing Bridgy backfeed support.

tantek commented 8 years ago

If it's possible for Bridgy to figure out silo profile userid -> indieweb URL for each person-tag, that would be even better. A couple of thoughts:

This would be above and beyond just supporting backfeeding of person-tags, hence separate comment.

It might also be reasonable to put all the burden (freedom of choice) of converting a silo profile URL (e.g. FB/Flickr profile) to the indieweb equivalent. Capturing both possibilities here for consideration.

snarfed commented 8 years ago

:+1: thanks for filing!

re discovering indieweb urls, you pretty much covered it. twitter, google+, and instagram actually all let you fetch anyone's profile via API, so we'd only have to do rel=me discovery for facebook. (not sure about flickr.)

snarfed commented 8 years ago

current silo support::

snarfed commented 8 years ago

one interesting wrinkle here is that we'd want to distinguish between the user's own tags and tags created by other people. ideally we would only backfeed the latter.

... except i suspect the APIs may not differentiate between them. I'll find out.

snarfed commented 8 years ago

yay, Facebook tells us, but i haven't yet found a way to determine a tag's creator in Flickr, either in photos.people.getList or nearby. @kylewm can you confirm?

kylewm commented 8 years ago

I think you're right, I don't see a way to see who created a tag in the Flickr API

kylewm commented 8 years ago

approaching from another direction you could poll flickr.people.getPhotosOf and backfeed any new photo of a person that comes from another account.

snarfed commented 8 years ago doesn't have any indieweb examples. it's possible that no one consumes u-tag-of yet.

tantek commented 8 years ago

@snarfed re:

we'd want to distinguish between the user's own tags and tags created by other people. ideally we would only backfeed the latter.

I think I disagree. Even if you @-reply to your own tweet, you get backfed the @-reply.

Similarly, if you person-tag your own POSSE copy of a photo, you should get backfed the tag-reply.

no one consumes u-tag-of yet.

Unfortunately not. I'm not sure how to bootstrap this as a publisher.

tantek commented 6 years ago

Added sentence in the issue description about being able to add person-tags to your Instagram photos after the fact, as another case where you would want the person-tags backfed to your original photo post.

tantek commented 6 years ago

Slight issue name tweak to indicate specific scope of backfeeding to posts

snarfed commented 3 years ago

Looking at this again. Flickr's API now gives us each tag's author, which helps.

@tantek, I was unclear earlier (above) when I wanted to distinguish tags from the photo's author vs from other people. My actual motivation was to distinguish the original tags published with the photo, which (I expect) we shouldn't backfeed, from tags added later, which we should. Sadly I don't see a way to do that in the API.