snarfed / bridgy

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hacker news support: publish, backfeed #693

Open snarfed opened 8 years ago

snarfed commented 8 years ago

mentioned on irc today by @sknebel, @gkbrk, and @chrisaldrich, along with #505.

snarfed commented 8 years ago

API docs. i didn't see votes, but otherwise looks pretty complete.

snarfed commented 8 years ago

instructions on how to add a new silo to bridgy.

snarfed commented 2 years ago

@sknebel raised a fascinating idea in chat today: HN has a public firehose, so we could do this service-wide, for the entire site, without needing individual users to auth Bridgy into their accounts. Might be a candidate for ?

snarfed commented 2 years ago

Also reminds me of #420 and

sknebel commented 2 years ago could be useful for this (both for a backfeed-without-code and to base bridgy code on - they also have an older python implementation)

snarfed commented 1 year ago

@sknebel raised a fascinating idea in chat today: HN has a public firehose, so we could do this service-wide, for the entire site, without needing individual users to auth Bridgy into their accounts.

I did this in ! Quick and dirty, very hacky, didn't fully finish or document or write it up. I have the API consuming code and conversion there though, should help if/when anyone wants to try adding this to Bridgy and granary.

snarfed commented 1 year ago

One catch: Hacker News doesn't do OAuth, so we'd need to use IndieAuth. Which is fine, we already use it for the FB/Instagram browser extension.