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Post webmentions to non-Tumblr Disqus threads #855

Open fluffy-critter opened 5 years ago

fluffy-critter commented 5 years ago

From the commentary on #639 I think I’m looking for the functional opposite of what @billbennettnz is looking for - I use Disqus for my comment threads on my blog, and I’d love incoming webmentions to show up as comments on said threads, at least on the pages where Disqus threads exist. My understanding is that this is the level of support has for Tumblr in the first place - but I’m not finding any documentation on how the Tumblr integration actually works or how to set it up outside of Tumblr itself.

Is this something that’s possible or am I completely misunderstanding things?

(If this isn’t easy to do, my fallback plan is to simply use’s API to embed mentions via some basic Javascript, which is adequate but has some UX compromises.)

snarfed commented 5 years ago

hi! it sounds like you're looking for a general purpose library or service to accept and display all incoming webmentions? ie alongside your existing disqus integration? yeah, that's definitely outside bridgy's scope. its goal is to bridge webmentions with silos, whether social silos or hosted blog silos. (tumblr is a bit of both.)

if you're asking for bridgy to accept incoming webmentions and propagate them into disqus, that is indeed an interesting feature request, and yes, more like the opposite of #639. i probably wouldn't prioritize implementing that myself right now, but PRs are welcome!

fluffy-critter commented 5 years ago

if you're asking for bridgy to accept incoming webmentions and propagate them into disqus, that is indeed an interesting feature request

Yeah, that's what I was asking for. Sorry if I was unclear! The explanation of what is and does is a bit vague and I'm never sure what role it actually plays in a webmention ecosystem. :) But if its role is to convert silo'd mentions into webmentions for consumption by other things that support webmention already, then it sounds like a better approach is to write a webmention adapter for Disqus instead, which could be called by's webhook thing (for example).

Anyway, if that's the case then it sounds like this functionality doesn't actually belong in, so feel free to close this issue.

snarfed commented 5 years ago

got it! bridgy actually converts silo interactions both from and to webmentions, both directions. most people know it for the former, eg converting twitter @-replies and likes to webmentions, but it also does the reverse for hosted blogs, eg converting webmentions to native comments on blogger and wordpress blogs. background:

it looks like disqus's API is pretty comprehensive, and allows creating comments and replies to comments, , so i'm happy to keep this open as a feature request.

snarfed commented 4 years ago

related: #270