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Consider support for Pixelfed (blocked on Pixelfed bugs) #927

Open rretsiem opened 4 years ago

rretsiem commented 4 years ago

To publish images to Pixelfed (Fediverse), support for those instances would be a great addition. Since the Pixelfed API is based on Mastodon V1 API, I hope that therefore not a complete new development is necessary. At least it sounds like a “low hanging fruit” 😉

A possible use case would be to publish photos posts to Pixelfed instances and also enabling Webmentions to retrieve reactions to those posts.

If this is already possible with the “Mastodon” function, a hint on how to use it would be helpful.

(Originally published at:

snarfed commented 4 years ago

yes! great idea. thanks for filing!

(i assume you've looked at ? it's another good approach, but not for the faint of heart.)

when i first implemented mastodon, i tried pixelfed, and it wasn't quite compatible enough, so i detect and block it explicitly: . if it's more compatible now, it might be as easy as removing that block and trying again!

any interest in trying? i'm happy to help you get the dev environment set up!

rretsiem commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the info. I try to get GAE up and running on my local MacBook and see what I can achieve. But I'm honest, I'm just at the beginning for now 😀 For example, I still don't know why your answer to my Issue isn't sent back to my webmention endpoint. says "no webmention targets". (Not a topic of the current issue, so maybe in IRC/Slack).

snarfed commented 4 years ago

huh. thanks for reporting, and sorry for the trouble! that may indeed be a bug. i'll file a new issue for it.

snarfed commented 4 years ago

note to myself: my pixelfed account, mostly just for testing this, is .

snarfed commented 4 years ago

current status: debugging pixelfed's oauth. i've gotten through to requesting the access token, but pixelfed 400s that request with The authorization grant type is not supported by the authorization server. (i'm passing grant_type=authorization_code.) not sure which other grant type i'd use. i'll ask them.

snarfed commented 4 years ago

filed an issue with more details:

MaybeThisIsRu commented 4 years ago

Looks like much of the work is done in - is this considered ready for production yet?

snarfed commented 4 years ago

you're right! the bridgy work is largely done, in that commit. deploying to production is currently blocked on a handful of pixelfed bugs that affect both backfeed and publish. fortunately @dansup et al have usually been quick to respond to these, so i'm optimistic those will get fixed pretty soon.

MaybeThisIsRu commented 4 years ago

Not a problem and thanks for the status update. Really do appreciate all that you do!

snarfed commented 4 years ago

interesting news:

[dansup] After some thought, I've decided to add Webmention support to Pixelfed, users will be able to opt out) ... [snarfed] dansup++ webmention support in pixelfed! exciting! i assume you just mean directly, ie receiving and sending with links to/from posts? not bridgy-style backfeed for posts that are syndicated from people's web sites?

bekopharm commented 2 years ago

Pixelfed evolved over the last year. Maybe it's time to revise this?

snarfed commented 2 years ago

Sure! I haven't followed its evolution. How do you think we should revise this?

bekopharm commented 2 years ago

blocked on Pixelfed bugs

I wonder if the bugs do still exist.

snarfed commented 2 years ago

Looks like at least half of them do.

snarfed commented 2 years ago

Hey @dansup any chance you could look at the bugs ^ blocking Bridgy Pixelfed support? I'd love to get this moving again!

...or if you're close to shipping built in webmention support, that'd be awesome, and I could close this altogether!

kristofzerbe commented 9 months ago

Is there a chance to revisit the topic? Would love it ...

snarfed commented 9 months ago

I'd love to! Are the Pixelfed bugs above fixed?

kristofzerbe commented 9 months ago

I have questioned ... Lets see

StarrWulfe commented 7 months ago @dansup

…any updates on this?🙏🏾

I just found out this wasn’t working myself.

In reply to

(Originally published at:

snarfed commented 7 months ago

Good question! Some of the bugs ^ are still open, but maybe they've improved? Feel free to try and let us know how it goes!

StarrWulfe commented 7 months ago

image @snarfed Bridgy still comes back with errors as if Pixelfed isn’t an ActivityPub server. I’m not sure what behavior is being expected, but Pixelfed (at least the flagship server at isn’t doing what Bridgy expects…

snarfed commented 7 months ago

Looked into this a bit. Sounds like Pixelfed fixed some of their bugs! Not all though, evidently. Looks like we're still stuck on their incomplete OAuth support:

kristofzerbe commented 3 months ago

Please be so kind and take a look at this. I would love to see Pixelfed bridging...

snarfed commented 3 months ago

@kristofzerbe I'd love it too! Sadly we're still blocked on a handful of Pixelfed bugs and API problems, eg the two in

kristofzerbe commented 3 months ago

@snarfed I don't give up asking and I forgot that I have to address pixelfed on this ... ;)