I'm getting errors with the majority of the MAGpurify modules, such as:
^[[1m• Calling genes with Prodigal^[[0m
all genes: /home/cm2074/magpurify_singles/phylo-markers/genes.[ffn|faa]
• Identifying PhyEco phylogenetic marker genes with HMMER^[[0m
Error encountered executing:
hmmsearch --noali --domtblout /home/cm2074/magpurify_singles/phylo-markers/phyeco.hmmsearch --cpu 1 --cut_ga /home/share/apps/magpurify/MAGpurify-db-v1.0/phylo-markers/PhyEco.hmm /home/cm2074/magpurify_singles/phylo-markers/genes.faa
Error message:
b'\nError: File existence/permissions problem in trying to open HMM file /home/share/apps/magpurify/MAGpurify-db-v1.0/phylo-markers/PhyEco.hmm.\nHMM file /home/share/apps/magpurify/MAGpurify-db-v1.0/phylo-markers/PhyEco.hmm not found (nor an .h3m binary of it)\n\n'
Hi there,
I'm getting errors with the majority of the MAGpurify modules, such as:
I'm a bit confused on why this is happening; any ideas?