snehal-addweb / Mortgagespeak

This repository is used for Mortgagespeak Drupal 7 Version
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Estimate #68

Closed gatsby8870 closed 7 years ago

gatsby8870 commented 7 years ago

OVERVIEW: Deliver my clients a "Recommended list" of headlines to share on LinkedIN via

  1. Newsletter
  2. Web page


  1. Use new code provided to update client NI newsletter. There are links updates, etc.
  2. The article count in the blue box area pulls from the new web page's "Articles Available" gray box
  3. My new code is missing the lower "LinkedIN recommended" checkmark image and right text share links. I attached an image as an example.
  4. Increase the character length for both headline and gray text since the white space has been in increased/gray background decreased


  1. Articles are designated as "LinkedIN Recommended" when radio-box "Recommended for LinkedIN" is clicked "Yes" in content creation
  2. This also causes the checkmark image to bedisplayed in the newsletter
  3. The content that is shared via the newsletter's share links is the content's landing page at my site (example and not source content).
  4. Clicking the checkmark image also acts as the LinkedIN Share link
  5. Increase the character count for the headline and lower gray rows. I reduced the outer gray margin to provide more room.

Web page:

  1. Use this page. The newsletter is coded to link here.
  2. This page unites content designated as "Recommended for LinkedIN"
  3. Offer 1 filter titled "Search By Topic" using the news topic taxonomies; Default selection is "All news topics", then individual taxonomy terms.
  4. This filter shows "LinkedIN recommended" content by topic.
  5. Replace the 14x14 pixel LinkedIN share icon in the tables rows AND pop up Except tab with the wider button in the attached image. Ok to expand Excerpt tab as needed.


  1. This new web page does not require log in/registration
  2. Rename center nav bar tab "Upload Content" to "LinkedIN Articles"; move this tab to 2nd position from left
saurabhd commented 7 years ago

Reviewed the edited comment and estimates would be 40 working hours.

saurabhd commented 7 years ago

The "updated newsletter image" shows only the bottom half of the newsletter b/c I wanted to show you how the "LinkedIN Recommended" check-mark image and "Share" text links should look. The rest of the newsletter should follow the code I am emailing to you separately as well.

linkedin-recommendations-web-page-new linkedin-recommended-newsletter-new mortagage email content.txt

gatsby8870 commented 7 years ago

Hello, I updated the newsletter code so kindly used the attached.

No big changes, just cosmetic changes.

Thank you!

Newslettercode10-12-16 (1).txt

gatsby8870 commented 7 years ago

In the new web page, I would like the background color of the headline counter (shown in image with numbers "975" to go from that "gray" to the same light blue color used in the dropdown filter directly beneath it (showing "All Topics").

The light blue is a little nicer. Thanks!

Krina-Addweb commented 7 years ago

Hello Greg,

Above Mentioned changes are done over

Further, if you face any issues with image for "LinkedIN Recommended" as it was blurred, please provide us a good quality image for the same.


gatsby8870 commented 7 years ago

The newsletter is coming along great and here are edits:


1. Top Blue Header

2. Headline Summary (numeric area)

3. Login Green Area

4. LinkedIN Blue Area Counter

5. Headline Table Area (lower)

6. Bottom of newsletter


saurabhd commented 7 years ago

Please make sure they see use these images in their "original size" and not "best fit" or smaller. Text can become blurry.

  1. --Use new "LinkedIN Recommended" image--


  1. --Add 2 news rows to newsletter headline area--

From GitHub, I thought the programmers may enjoy an image of how it should look.

The reason why I am adding 2 new rows is b/c when viewing the newsletter in a cell phone, the "LinkedIN Reccommended" image and the share links are too long for the single row they are upon (too wide). So I had to separate the image and the text links with new rows.

When there is no assigned "LinkedIN Recommended" image, the image row should be removed. If not, there is too much space between all the rows.



Krina-Addweb commented 7 years ago

Hello Greg,

Above mentioned edits are done.


gatsby8870 commented 7 years ago

Hello, here is feedback with specific mention to the share text links not working properly.


Web page:

Thank you.

Krina-Addweb commented 7 years ago

Hello Greg,

Above mentioned changes were done.


gatsby8870 commented 7 years ago

Hello, the newsletter share links are not working fully:

LinkedIN: missing the gray summary/teaser text. Now it is just repeating the title already there. Google +: missing the title and the gray summary/teaser text

Thank you.