snehamitra / SCARlink

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Trouble with using the package #2

Closed yiman589 closed 5 months ago

yiman589 commented 6 months ago


I have been able to download and install the package, and I can call the function scarlink_processing with no trouble. However, when I tried to run the rest of the functions scarlink, scarlink_tiles and scarlink_plot, I got error messages of Illegal instruction: 4. I am on a Mac with M1 chip. Could you provide any insights or solutions to this? Any help is appreciated!

Thanks a lot!

snehamitra commented 6 months ago

Could you check if the issue is related to importing tensorflow?

yiman589 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for your reply!

Yes, it is related to importing tensorflow, but I haven't found a solution yet. I will keep looking into it. Thank you for your help!