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Snes9x - Portable Super Nintendo Entertainment System (TM) emulator
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Traverse : Starlight & Prairie screen freezes #540

Open bladeoner opened 5 years ago

bladeoner commented 5 years ago

When you start the game it will get an intro and you need to fill in a name and birthday. After your fill in the birthday the screen freezes, you still hear sound but you should see the Blood-Type screen.

Tested it with several versions of Snes9x, it works until 1.55, after that it starts with this issue Snes9x_1 55

Snes9x_1 56

I used the rom with intro.

taimoorgit commented 5 years ago

Could you comment the checksum for your ROM?

bladeoner commented 5 years ago

@taimoorc ofcourse:


bearoso commented 5 years ago

Just needs the fix I did for on-demand NMI to be applied to the one that triggers at v-blank.

bearoso commented 5 years ago

Actually, I think it might be an open bus issue.

bladeoner commented 5 years ago

@bearoso thanks I will test some more to see which change caused this.

bearoso commented 5 years ago

There's nothing specific. This is one of those timing things that just happens to work or not work based on an instruction rhythm.

bearoso commented 5 years ago

No need to close. This is a valid bug.

bananaliker commented 1 year ago

Tried this game today, can confirm the issue still occurs.