sneumann / Rdisop

This is the git repository matching the Bioconductor package Rdisop: Decomposition of Isotopic Patterns
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Removing *.o files on Windows build #18

Closed grimbough closed 5 years ago

grimbough commented 5 years ago

Related to #13. Can't promise this is a complete solution, but explicitly making sure the object files that the BioC builder is complaining about are deleted once the package is built seems to fix the problem for me.

Tested on Windows 10 with Rtools 3.5 and R-3.6.0.beta via:

git clone
R CMD build --keep-empty-dirs --no-resave-data Rdisop
rm -rf Rdisop.buildbin-libdir && mkdir Rdisop.buildbin-libdir && R CMD INSTALL --merge-multiarch --build --library=Rdisop.buildbin-libdir Rdisop_1.43.4-1.tar.gz

Happy to run more tests if this introduces something horrible.

sneumann commented 5 years ago

Hi, thanks for the PR. I think I have half of that already in my cleanup, and I'll wait if that already makes BioC happy. Otherwise I'll take the rm from your PR and build that into the normal cleanup, no need to treat windows special. I'll then close this PR without merging in the git sense. Yours, Steffen

grimbough commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, I think you have to treat Windows differently, or at least explicitly. I don't think cleanup gets run on Windows, there has to be a At least that's my interpretation of this section of R extension manual:

You should bear in mind that the configure script will not be used on Windows systems. If your package is to be made publicly available, please give enough information for a user on a non-Unix-alike platform to configure it manually, or provide a script to be used on that platform. (Optionally, there can be a script....)

Feel free to copy rather than merge, happy to help.

sneumann commented 5 years ago

Ok, merging now then.