sneumann / SemanticMetabolomics

A collection of converters and examples to show how Metabolomics can be a good citizen in Linked-Open-Data
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bio2rdf Chebi problems #3

Closed culpinnis closed 9 years ago

culpinnis commented 9 years ago

--> regarding to: <--

I think we should talk to bio2rdf guys (at GitHub ?). Something is just not working on their service. It seems to be that there are redundancies for chebi. They provide the URIs from the wiki page, but they are not supported in their web portal at Their namespace documentation at fails with 404, but the facet service on this page at is running fine. With a test query I got an answer. But with namespace chebi_ontology instead of chebi (but at everything is working correct, but without facet browser). I think something is wrong with their configuration because all permalinks are going to a local server named ls22 at port 12160.
In my mind they have just published their local configuration but something has gone wrong. Furthermore it seems to be that they changed the chebi structure at some point, but forgot to integrate this structure in their portal system or something in this way.


culpinnis commented 9 years ago

After talking to Erik, I will open a new issue at their google group:!forum/bio2rdf

culpinnis commented 9 years ago

Well, google just have not activated my question yet because of their policies