sneumann / mzR

This is the git repository matching the Bioconductor package mzR: parser for netCDF, mzXML, mzData and mzML files (mass spectrometry data)
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mzR on a 64bits Ubuntu 18.04 #221

Closed vliviu closed 4 years ago

vliviu commented 4 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to install using BioConductor mzR in a 64bits machine (gcc/ g++ 7.5) and I get this error: No symbol version section for versioned symbol `memcpy@GLIBC_2.27'. P.S I've installed ncdf4 and rhdf5 dependencies ... didn't help. Thank you in advance for your feedback, Liviu

lgatto commented 4 years ago

I have the same system and didn't have any issue. What's your sessionInfo() output?

vliviu commented 4 years ago

I have solved the problem. BiocManager::install("Rhdf5lib") did the trick. If Rhdf5lib was specified in prerequisites and I haven't seen it- my bad ! Thank you again Steffen for your magnificent work !

lgatto commented 4 years ago

It's specified in the LinkingTo field 2020-05-25-142422_894x99_scrot

sneumann commented 4 years ago

My guess would've been that there were different versions of C/C++ compilers used between installing mzR now and its dependencies ncdf4 or more likely rhdf5 causing that mismatch/unresolved symbol(s), possibly when upgrading BioC and/or Ubuntu. Yours, Steffen