sneumann / xcms

This is the git repository matching the Bioconductor package xcms: LC/MS and GC/MS Data Analysis
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Peak Inflection Points for Feature Peak Area Integration #514

Open shen420 opened 3 years ago

shen420 commented 3 years ago


In the ChromPeaks method, Is there a way to look at the retention time range used to define the peak area integration for each feature? Specificially, the peak inflection points where the second-derivative transformed chromatogram crosses the x-axis.

Many Thanks,

jorainer commented 3 years ago

Do you mean the ChromPeakAreaParam gap-filling method for the fillChromPeaks function? There is an internal function xcms:::.features_ms_region that returns the m/z and retention time regions. It takes the XCMSnExp object (after correspondence analysis) as first parameter and returns a matrix with the (median) rt and (median) mz ranges of all chromatographic peaks for each feature.

Please let me know if you meant something different...

shen420 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply.

I actually mean that after running findChromPeaks for a single sample (without peak filling or alignment), then getting the featureTable with the ChromPeaks method, how are the values for "into" and "intb" in the feature table calculated?


jorainer commented 3 years ago

I see. I had a look at the code again and (if I did not get it completely wrong) the "into" is calculated as the sum of intensities within "rtmin"-"rtmax" and "mzmin"-"mzmax" multiplied by "rtmax"-"rtmin" divided by the number of data points. "intb" is calculated the same way, only that intensities above the baseline (estimated background level for the peak) are considered.