sneumann / xcms

This is the git repository matching the Bioconductor package xcms: LC/MS and GC/MS Data Analysis
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xcmsRaw - error #683

Open crestre opened 11 months ago

crestre commented 11 months ago

I am learning about hp-lc data using xcms and obtained an error message when I was trying to import a .cdf file using xcmsRaw. The file was generated in a Waters HP-LC. I am wondering whether I am exporting the data incorrectly or if there something else that I have to be aware of. I am attaching the file just in case.

Many thanks for any help that you can provide.


jorainer commented 11 months ago

I have no experience with Waters software - but the file you exported can indeed not be read/imported with mzR (the package we are using to import the data). Seems that a variable "instrument_name" is missing. Would it be possible to configure the Waters software to also export that variable?

sneumann commented 11 months ago

Or, leave netCDF behind and go straight to export/conversion to mzML ? Can Proteowizard convert your data ?

Also, try to avoid the ancient xcms classes xcmsRaw and xcmsSet. They are not maintained anymore, in favour of the new xcms3 interface described in the vignette

Yours, Steffen

crestre commented 10 months ago

Johaness and Steffen,

A little bit late but thanks for your response. I tried Proteowizard but it is not "seeing" the files. I am running R version 4.3.1 and cannot make mzR to work on the data from msdata. Any suggestion? Finally, as a new user of metabolomic data and potentially xcms, I found myself going through multiple vignettes/versions - in the end I figured out what was going on ... Thanks

sneumann commented 10 months ago

Could you give more information about that instrument and data ? In the netCDF I see "QDa Positive(+) Scan (100.00-600.00)Da, Centroid, CV=15" and "No Chromatography" ; "Direct Inlet Probe" ; "Electron Impact" ; "Positive Polarity". Which is not exactly matching "Waters HP-LC". Yours, Steffen

sneumann commented 10 months ago

But, partly successful. I don't think it is the missing instrument that breaks xcms:

ms <- openMSfile("Export_2023_07_241045.cdf")

retentionTime       lowMZ        highMZ
Min.   :180.1   Min.   :-1   Min.   :-1
1st Qu.:285.0   1st Qu.:-1   1st Qu.:-1
Median :390.0   Median :-1   Median :-1
Mean   :390.0   Mean   :-1   Mean   :-1
3rd Qu.:495.0   3rd Qu.:-1   3rd Qu.:-1
Max.   :600.0   Max.   :-1   Max.   :-1

which looks weird. There are some scans:

> length(peaks(ms))
[1] 2801
> peaks(ms)[c(1, 666, 2801)]
            mz intensity
 [1,] 241.4680  5891.645
 [2,] 263.2248  2627.645
 [9,] 399.2110  9669.469
[10,] 411.7138  7557.469

            mz intensity
 [1,] 114.1244  2307.645
 [2,] 120.7768  5507.645
[24,] 469.4253  8069.469
[25,] 556.5388  9477.469

           mz intensity
[1,]       NA        NA
[2,] 582.9421  7813.469

and the last one looks broken, the NA is likely to throw off calculations like min/max. Rather than "fixing" xcms to silently throw that away, I like the error (though the error message is not helpful ...) to indicate the data is broken. I don't know how to edit/fix netCDF files, though.

Yours, Steffen

sneumann commented 10 months ago

One more thing: if you ignore my comment about not using xcmsRaw, the following works:

xr <- xcmsRaw("Export_2023_07_241045.cdf", scanrange=c(1:2800))

The latter shows this data: image

but you'd need to play with parameters to find peaks:

xs <- xcmsSet("Export_2023_07_241045.cdf", scanrange=c(1:2800))
Warning message:
In xcmsSet("Export_2023_07_241045.cdf", scanrange = c(1:2800)) :
  No peaks found in sample Export_2023_07_241045.

Yours, Steffen