sni / Thruk

Thruk is a multibackend monitoring webinterface for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken using the Livestatus API.
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Invalid URL in tactical view -> service notification disabled #1366

Closed az-reno closed 3 months ago

az-reno commented 3 months ago

In the tactical view, the link to service with "notification disabled" is invalid.

File templates/

<a class="itemblock unimportantProblem" href='[% uri_with(c, { _page => "status.cgi", style => "detail", servicveprops => 4096 }) %]'>[% service_stats.notifications_disabled %] Services Disabled</a>

It should be serviceprops instead of servicveprops

Thruk version git main

sni commented 3 months ago

fixed, thanks for reporting this.