sni / Thruk

Thruk is a multibackend monitoring webinterface for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken using the Livestatus API.
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Distributed service / role aggregated statistics #1382

Closed MattCrum1 closed 1 month ago

MattCrum1 commented 1 month ago

Hi all -

We are monitoring multiple hosts running the same service, located in different customer data centres.

We currently provide per-host metrics and graphs (via PNP4Nagios) for the customer - they have asked if we can aggregate the statistics across the whole service, to give a holistic view. E.g. if we were monitoring HTTP requests per second, we would want to be able to present the total requests per second across the estate, rather than per host.

Is this something that can be achieved in Thruk natively, or do we need to look at consuming the Thruk API and its Aggregation functions (perhaps from a pseudo host for the distributed service)?