sni / Thruk

Thruk is a multibackend monitoring webinterface for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken using the Livestatus API.
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Login Problems after Apache Update (?) #1392

Closed Grisu86 closed 1 week ago

Grisu86 commented 2 weeks ago

When we try to login, we get the following Screenshot in Firefox. I have tested the last stable and nightly version, on both the same. grafik

When we was logged in, then there was no problem.

sni commented 2 weeks ago

what exactly do you do when you "When we try to login"

Grisu86 commented 2 weeks ago

I just open the https://[hostname]/thruk/

Grisu86 commented 2 weeks ago

the Screenshot shows the developer console in firefox to see, what is happended with the connections to the server

thesnallygaster commented 2 weeks ago

Same thing was happening to me today, it's working fine with apache 2.4.61 but it's broken on 2.4.62, the login site just keeps refreshing and &nocookie keeps being appended to the url. I managed to fix this by adding UNC flag to RewriteRules in /usr/share/thruk/thruk_cookie_auth.include, like this:

RewriteRule ^/(.*)$                  /%1/%{REMOTE_ADDR}~~%{HTTP:Authorization}~~%{HTTP:X-Thruk-Auth-Key}~~%{HTTP:X-Thruk-Auth-User}/____/$1/____/%{QUERY_STRING} [C,NS,UnsafeAllow3F,UNC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$                   ${thruk_users:$1|/loginbad/} [C,NS,UnsafeAllow3F,UNC]
RewriteRule ^/pass/(.*)$             /$1 [NS,PT,L,E=!REMOTE_USER,UnsafeAllow3F,UNC]
RewriteRule ^/redirect/(.*)$         /$1 [NS,L,R=302,UnsafeAllow3F,UNC]
RewriteRule ^/loginok/([^/]+)/(.*)$  /$2 [NS,PT,L,E=REMOTE_USER:$1,UnsafeAllow3F,UNC]
sni commented 2 weeks ago

it's working fine with apache 2.4.61 but it's broken on 2.4.62

thanks for the hint, this makes it way easier... i can reproduce it on which uses that exact apache version already.

thesnallygaster commented 2 weeks ago

This seems to be the commit that broke it: and this yet to be backported one is supposed to fix it I think I got to the UNC flag through this post on the mailing list

sni commented 2 weeks ago

I added a workaround here: The idea is to always have some text between the slashes, so Apache does not remove them. I assume this UNC flag is probably not available in all Apache versions, so i was looking for a different fix.