sni / Thruk

Thruk is a multibackend monitoring webinterface for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken using the Livestatus API.
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Display filters being rewritten wrongly after page refresh #554

Closed eythori-sensa closed 8 years ago

eythori-sensa commented 8 years ago

I'm seeing a faulty behavior of the display filters after a page refresh. Either after an automatic page refresh or when pushing the refresh button in the upper right corner.

When assigning the = sign as a parameter for any attribute the url gets wrongly rewritten from: &dfl_s0_type=hostgroup&dfl_s0_val_pre=&dfl_s0_op==&dfl_s0_value=Test to: &dfl_s0_type=hostgroup&dfl_s0_val_pre=&dfl_s0_op=&dfl_s0_value=Test This causes the former = sign to become a tilde ~, which I guess is the default value. The same thing happens with !=

It seems the reason lies in the url encoding. When submitted, the value for dfl_s0_op is not encoded as %3D. This causes, at least Chrome and Firefox to discard the second equal sign.

Captsha commented 8 years ago

Hi, I think this is a regression. In the past, I already meet this problem and it have been fixed after on a newest version (maybe around 1.86-4). When, I tested the version 2.04 & 2.06, I meet this problem again. Personally, I have rollback-ed to an old version. Cheers

sni commented 8 years ago

Could you try: I only experienced this issue if the session expires for some reason, not on the usual page refresh.

sni commented 8 years ago

Should be fixed with 44c19afb2