sni / Thruk

Thruk is a multibackend monitoring webinterface for Naemon, Nagios, Icinga and Shinken using the Livestatus API.
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Re-schedule next check of this service (Now) not working #722

Closed rirouxe closed 7 years ago

rirouxe commented 7 years ago


on thruk 2.14-2 and red hat 7.3

the command re-schedule next check not working

i submit a critical alert and when i re-schedule, my alert stay critical

I have to wait for the next planning so that it goes back ok

icinga log's : image

PS : demo thruk is broken

sni commented 7 years ago

Thanks, i fixed :-)

Well, Thruk just submits the command and it looks like that worked. Everything else is up to the core (Nagios/Naemon/Icinga). You could check if there is a command for this service defined because its not required for passive checks.

sni commented 7 years ago

If icinga receives the command but doesn't do the right thing, its an icinga issue.

rirouxe commented 7 years ago

ok thanks