snikket-im / snikket-server

Image builder for Snikket server
Apache License 2.0
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Traefik support #88

Open hanssatt opened 2 years ago

hanssatt commented 2 years ago

Hei there

Thanks for developing such a great project. I'd really like to host a snikket server but my web server set up is based on traefik as a reverse proxy. Would it be possible to add some sort of guide or example conf-file for traefik?

Thanks in advance.

decentral1se commented 2 years ago

Hey @hanssatt we have a veryyyyy experimental snikket + traefik support config over in that has seen already deployments and is undergoing testing. There are a few outstanding issues with our approach but we're hoping to work out a way to get those changes upstream here. Happy to help out / hear feedback / get help on making this work out better!

hanssatt commented 2 years ago

Hei @decentral1se, thanks for your reply. I'm happy to check it out but i'm very busy at the moment. When i finally find some time to test i'll let you know about the result.

decentral1se commented 2 years ago

See also

decentral1se commented 2 years ago

So, for the snikket-web-proxy, we need to resolve

Here in snikket-server, it seems we would need to clean up / agree on a way to merge this approach:

Which can be summarised as "make certificate paths configurable" (see

We're using then this cert transfer approach detailed in which copies over traefik generated certs. It ain't pretty but it works and probably reduces the amount of work that needs to be done here in snikket-server.

If anyone can see a way forward, I'm happy to try implement it. is currently running on two temporary forks of proxy/server and we'd love to get back on mainline by having some way to configure snikket to handle traefik.

spereg53 commented 1 year ago

i am interested to work with nginx proxy that already is working on the same server,can you help me,thanks

spereg53 commented 1 year ago

i forgot to tell,that the server nginx proxy is installed with docker-compose,and is configurable in graphical mode,like is installed, snikket,thanks

Faeranne commented 1 year ago

Since this seems like the best place to ask, Is there a reason web-proxy is a mandatory part of Snikket? Is there any reason one couldn't just wholesale replace it with traefik? or is web-proxy doing more than just proxying https to http? If it is, can we move whatever it's doing special into a separate container, say perhaps the web-portal container? Or at least setup web-proxy to support simply disabling https? I ask because I'm seeking to use snikket myself, but all four of my available servers have Traefik already running on 443 and 80, and I'm trying to be a bit aware of my server footprint right now, so spinning up a dedicated server is a no-go. (trying to remove servers, not add them hehe...)

Faeranne commented 1 year ago

Looking through, I'm guessing the only real road block to simply ignoring the web-proxy container is because Snikket want's to handle tls termination for the non-http services, is that right? Is there any reason Snikket couldn't be given an option to open non-tls versions of these ports, and let Traefik handle the non-http TLS termination?

Faeranne commented 1 year ago

So I dug even further, and I'm guessing between the TURN and XMPP endpoints, things are a bit more complicated. My network skills might be showing their limits here, as I'm not actually sure if UDP can even support TLS (my memory says TLS requires a handshake, and thus some amount of transport state, and thus would invalidate use over stateless UDP? Or at least depends on order.) But if it can, that would be a blocker for UDP based TURN, since Traefik only support TLS on HTTP and TCP endpoints. As for XMPP, the impression I get is Traefik can support handling TLS termination, but it's tricky. Either way I'm gonna start with just getting a basic TURN and an XMPP server running before diving into getting snikket going.