snikproject / ontology

Public SNIK Ontology. An ontology of information management in hospitals.
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subClassOf and component between the same classes #368

Closed KonradHoeffner closed 3 years ago

KonradHoeffner commented 4 years ago
sub super supercount remove component replace superclass with
ob:TacticalManagementOfInformationSystems ob:InformationManagement 1
he:Sachziel he:Ziel 1
bb:PatientDischargeAndTransferToOtherInstitutions bb:PatientCare 1
ob:StrategicManagementOfInformationSystems ob:InformationManagement 1
bb:OrderEntry bb:PatientCare 1
bb:ComputerBasedInformationProcessing bb:InformationProcessing 1
bb:DecisionMakingPlanningAndOrganizationOfPatientTreatment bb:PatientCare 1
bb:InternalQualityManagement bb:QualityManagement 1
he:Formalziel he:Ziel 1
bb:Directing bb:Management 1
bb:PatientAdmission bb:PatientCare 1
ob:Subsystem ob:System 1
ob:OperationalManagementOfInformationSystems ob:InformationManagement 1
he:Geschaeftsarchitektur he:Unternehmensarchitektur 1
bb:Planning bb:Management 1
bb:Monitoring bb:Management 1
bb:ExecutionOfDiagnosticTherapeuticAndNursingProcedures bb:PatientCare 1
he:Teilarchitektur he:Architektur 1
bb:NonComputerBasedInformationProcessing bb:InformationProcessing 1

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KonradHoeffner commented 4 years ago

I need a decision by the domain experts which of those should become component only, and which should become subClassOf only. Please enter your decision in the table above.

In case of component and when there is no other superclass, please also state the new superclass, preferably not one of the large ones that we want to avoid, see

KonradHoeffner commented 4 years ago