snimavat / nimble

Nimble Security Grails Plugin
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grails-app/views/account/createuser.gsp #41

Closed simonckenyon closed 10 years ago

simonckenyon commented 10 years ago

has a tag. it should not have one.

snimavat commented 10 years ago

Can you expand ! I don't get you.. do you mean it should not have gsp tags !

simonckenyon commented 10 years ago

createuser.gsp is run through site mesh. when this file is passed through the layout it results in layoutResouces being called twice and generating an error.

to me nimble is a plugin. i am using it in a site to provide the authentication and authorisation. i am also using the admin functionality (obviously). so it needs to play nicely in such an environment.

all pages go through a layout, so should not have any resources stuff. likewise. likewise for templates. ajax responses should be templates, or specify layout: "none".

i am currently modifying nimble to use foundation 5. twitter bootstrap is really, really nice. but the end result is a web site that looks just like everyone else. furthermore, i think the foundation use of the "grid" is better. but what do i know.

i use resources "properly". so i don't have any included stylesheets or scripts. this de-clutters the gsp files.

snimavat commented 10 years ago

Alright, however from nimble's perspective, createuser.gsp isnt expected to go through any sitemesh layout, that's why it doesn't explicitly define any using meta tag, and calls r:layoutResources. That creates issue when you have application.gsp that grails tries to apply to every view. I can convert createuser.gsp to a template _createuser.gsp that should work for you as well. Or else you can try to override the view in your app.