snimavat / nimble

Nimble Security Grails Plugin
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replace jquery.pstrength #58

Open simonckenyon opened 9 years ago

simonckenyon commented 9 years ago

i'm updating to asset-pipeline because resources is no longer supported/maintained. i was having issues when the javascript was minified. so i looked around on the internet to see if other people had the same problem.

during my travels i discovered that the jquery.pstrength component was released around 2006 and has not been changed/supported/upgraded since then. there also does not appear to be anyone claiming ownership (that i could see).

so you might consider replacing it with one of the other password strength plugins.

i am using jquery-pwstrength-bootstrap which was a trivial change.

snimavat commented 9 years ago

Upgrading to asset pipeline could be a big change and break those deploymnts who are already using it with resources. I am thinking wht can we do. Seriously i personally dont like asset pipeline, there are some limitations, like css / js cant be specified in same bundle, bundling cant be disabled in production etc, but if resources is not going to be maintained, we will have to replace

simonckenyon commented 9 years ago

by putting the right manifests in the assets directory it is possible to support both as assets-pipeline will look in the web-app folder as well as the assets folder.

it took me two days, but that included a whole bunch of other stuff. the hard part it getting bootstrap right. note that i have previously upgraded to bootstrap3

in my app i use: mordernizr/js-webshim to support IE8 (which i have to do) metisMenu for an sidebar accordian menu maritup, bootstrap-checkbox, bootstrap-select, bootstrap-validator and select2 for various UI components

my application.js file is:

//= require modernizr/modernizr-2.7.1.js //= require js-webshim/dev/polyfiller.js //= require js-webshim/webshim.js //= require jquery.js //= require bootstrap/js/affix.js //= require bootstrap/js/alert.js //= require bootstrap/js/button.js //= require bootstrap/js/carousel.js //= require bootstrap/js/collapse.js //= require bootstrap/js/dropdown.js //= require bootstrap/js/modal.js //= require bootstrap/js/tooltip.js //= require bootstrap/js/popover.js //= require bootstrap/js/scrollspy.js //= require bootstrap/js/tab.js //= require bootstrap/js/transition.js //= require metisMenu/metisMenu.js //= require sidebar.js //= require bootstrap-checkbox/js/checkbox-x.js //= require bootstrap-select/js/bootstrap-select.js //= require bootstrap-validator/js/bootstrapValidator.js //= require select2/select2.js //= require MarkItUp/markitup/jquery.markitup.js //= require MarkItUp/markitup/sets/html/set.js //= require jquery-jgrowl/jquery.jgrowl.js //= require jquery-pwstrength-bootstrap/pwstrength-bootstrap-1.2.2.js //= require nimble.ui.js //= require nimble.core.js

i use bootswatch to provide my bootstrap theme. i copied font-awesome into my assets directory becuase i could not get the plugn to play nicely.

my application.css file is:

= require bootswatch/${grails.util.Holders.getGrailsApplication().config.theme}/theme.less = require metisMenu/metisMenu.css = require sidebar/sidebar.less = require bootstrap-checkbox/css/checkbox-x.css = require bootstrap-select/css/bootstrap-select.css = require bootstrap-validator/css/bootstrapValidator.css = require select2/select2.css = require select2-bootstrap3.css = require MarkItUp/markitup/skins/markitup/style.css = require MarkItUp/markitup/sets/html/style.css *= require font-awesome.css