snipe / snipe-it

A free open source IT asset/license management system
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Adds a command to resend acceptance emails #14722

Open Godmartinz opened 2 weeks ago

Godmartinz commented 2 weeks ago


This adds an artisan command option snipeit:acceptance-reminder to allow you to resend the acceptance email to all listed on the unaccepted assets report.


Fixes #11756 [sc-25560]

Type of change

Please delete options that are not relevant.

How Has This Been Tested?

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Test Configuration:


what-the-diff[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

PR Summary

snipe commented 2 weeks ago

@Godmartinz three merits deducted for pushing code during a 1:1 ;)

Godmartinz commented 2 weeks ago

@Godmartinz three merits deducted for pushing code during a 1:1 ;)

😆 I lost track of time!

Godmartinz commented 1 week ago

@snipe few fixes added, going to tackle the new notification instance and then should be good to go 🤞